Book of Shadows Editorial Team
6 months ago

Project Update: Surveys are ✨👼OUT👼✨! Rewards inbound!

Well, this update is what it says on the tin: our books are orbiting their landing port and soon bound for our shipping partners White Squirrel in Everett! The time we’ve been waiting for is here: backer surveys are being SENT OUT over the weekend, and your finalized digital BOOK OF SHADOWS PDFs are ready to download! 👼✨

Please fill out your emails and pay for your shipping ASAP so we can ensure that, once our books/add-ons are accounted for and all of White Squirrel’s shipping materials for this project are sorted, we can start up fulfillment and finally get these books into your hands! Paradise Lust matches its sibling book Buffomet at around a pound and a half/just about two pounds, and our White Squirrel friends have secured us the best possible shipping rates on the market for our INTL backers when packaging weight is also accounted for. At the end of the survey is where you’ll also find download links for your pledged PDFs, so don’t forget to access and add those to your digital library!

We estimate fulfillment to taper from mid-September into October, and we’ll be locking down addresses once White Squirrel tells us we’re ready to go. You’ll receive a 48 hour notice before addresses/surveys are locked, so if you have any special requests or factors that prevent you from confirming an address during this timeframe, shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll get you sorted from there. 

That’s all for now! The last pieces of the campaign puzzle are our hand-cut bookmarks and Baphbino standees; we’ll have photos of those around the same time our books land in Everett. :) Look for future updates from us regarding ship-outs, address lock-ins, and as always: thank you for your initial support! We can’t wait for you to see these beauties in person, and be sure to fill out those surveys ASAP! 

Iris Jay, Nero Villagallos O'Reilly, & Hye Mardikian






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