Book of Shadows Editorial Team
7 months ago

Project Update: Books COMPLETE and en-route! Surveys inbound and book previews!

Howdy everyone! 

After wrapping up production and binding, we’ve FINALLY received two advance copies of Paradise Lust just yesterday, and WOW, these books were worth the wait! Here’s some glamor shots of these beauties. Rejoice at that print quality!
The book’s front was treated with a rich-color treatment that tinted the spot UV over it, so not only do you see more hole-y detail, but also the reader gets to enjoy that soft-touch UV to boot! 

Check out that spot color POP! 

We genuinely can’t wait till you all see this book in person. It’s gonna knock the high hallelujah out of some folks. 

As a result of our books’ imminent departure for the West Coast, BackerKit surveys are going up this coming week! Thanks for your patience through the delay on those; we started work on them this week, and we want to ensure our fulfillment partner White Squirrel is fully prepared to receive your beautiful books. You’ll have the option to upgrade for other add-ons like spare copies of the book or other standees/patches, and we’ll let you know well in advance before those surveys close! 

Thanks again everyone, and have a wonderful weekend! 👼✨

Iris Jay, Nero Villagallos O’Reilly, & Hye Mardikian

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