Hello hello, backers of Paradise Lust!
Happy Sunday to you all! It’s been a hot minute since our last update and a busy, if tumultuous start to 2025 for us. We hope you’ve ...
Book of Shadows Editorial Team
3 months ago
Fulfillment Nearly Complete! Plus: an update on Canadian packages
Hello hello, backers of Paradise Lust!
We hope you've all been enjoying your copies arriving in the mail! Thanks so much for the kind words we've gotten over em...
Hello hello, backers of Paradise Lust!
Fantastic news, faithful followers; our books have made landfall with our fulfillment friends White Squirrel in Everett, WA, ...
Book of Shadows Editorial Team
6 months ago
Mini-update: New PDF Distribution Link Up! Have YOU filled out your survey yet? 🙏 👼
Hello hello, backers!
Just a quick update here from our BackerKit orchestrator here: we were seeing folks having trouble accessing their PDFs right away, so we've changed/updat...
Book of Shadows Editorial Team
6 months ago
Surveys are ✨👼OUT👼✨! Rewards inbound!
Well, this update is what it says on the tin: our books are orbiting their landing port and soon bound for our shipping partners White Squirrel in Everett! The time we’ve been w...
Book of Shadows Editorial Team
7 months ago
Books COMPLETE and en-route! Surveys inbound and book previews!
Howdy everyone!
After wrapping up production and binding, we’ve FINALLY received two advance copies of Paradise Lust just yesterday, and WOW, these books were worth the wait! ...
Happy Sunday to you all! It’s been a hot minute since our last update and a busy, if tumultuous start to 2025 for us. We hope you’ve been enjoying your books and PDFs since our fulfillment wrapped up, and we’ll keep this one brief since we come bearing good housekeeping news of great joy:we’ve officially listed our remaining copies of PARADISE LUST on the FORTUNA MEDIA storefront!
Have a friend who wanted a copy during the campaign but missed their chance? Need to bless a special someone in your life with their own divine tome? Pick one up today, shipped to you straight from Seattle WA: we have the DRM-free PDFs, hardbacks (with PDFs now INCLUDED in both hardback listings of all physical books), and a limited number of the ANGEL’S RESPITE posters by JT Cole as a small add-on! We only have a few hundred PARADISE LUST books remaining in print (and an extremely small amount of BUFFOMET books left over from the fulfillment campaign and other storage rummagings), after which they won’t be reprinted until further notice, so get them while they’re hot and then gone until Meatatron knows when!
If you have any remaining questions about your pledges, our friends at White Squirrel have wrapped up their fulfillment services for our campaign and have returned all our remaining goodies, so just shoot us an email at [email protected] if you need to reach out about anything.
Thank you all again for your support, stay delicious, and we’ll see you in the future for another inevitable installment in the BOOK OF SHADOWS series!
We hope you've all been enjoying your copies arriving in the mail! Thanks so much for the kind words we've gotten over email, comments on here, or through social media; it means the world to not only see these books have gotten to their new homes safe and sound, but also you're enjoying them since you helped make it happen. 😇❤
According to our correspondence with our fulfillment partners at White Squirrel, it sounds like we almost have fulfillment entirely wrapped up, save for some INTL orders and specialty stateside orders (as well as some possible resends: if you're a stateside backer of the EARLY SUMMONINGs tier, please check your email for a head's up on your books)! Regarding our Canadian backers and the most-recent postal worker strike: after correspondence with White Squirrel (and their own communications with postal representatives), they've been advised to continue shipping as normal; your book won't be refused entry into the system, but it will probably take a little extra time to head your way. If you fall under the Canadian postal strike and haven't received your parcel yet or want to know the status of your package (or have any other shipping-related questions), please email [email protected] with your backer number/Backerkit-associated email.
That should be all for now! As always, if you have any other questions about Book of Shadows, email us at [email protected]. Soon you'll be able to see Paradise Lust copies in PNW, queer-friendly book stores, so keep an eye out for 👼👁 visions of angels out in the world …👁👼
Thank you all again for your support, and we'll be back!
Fantastic news, faithful followers; our books have made landfall with our fulfillment friends White Squirrel in Everett, WA, and will begin fulfillment in the beginning of October! 📚 This means that, for those of you that already have your surveys completed and orders locked, your addresses will begin the 48-hour locking countdown on October 1st. This means you will have a 48 hour window to verify your address is still correct through your Backerkit survey, or update it if you've made changes to your address since its initial submission. If you have any issues preventing you from editing your address or you are unable to update your address due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact us at [email protected] ASAP or before October 1st. As of now, we still have 60+ people that need to complete their surveys, so please make sure those are filled out so we can deliver you gifts from on high!
Next up in exciting news: want a chance to see the book IRL and meet the editors behind Paradise Lust? If you live in the Seattle area, you're in luck: we'll be at Outsider Comics on October 3rd, 6PM for a Launch Party commemorating Paradise Lust's arrival and fulfillment!
masks required!
Check out their Instagram for further news and updates, and we hope to see you there! As a parting blessing: let us share with you visions from on high of a certain devil that comes bearing delicious debauchery...
Who's THIS little miscreant?!
Talk to you soon, and thank you all again for your support!
Just a quick update here from our BackerKit orchestrator here: we were seeing folks having trouble accessing their PDFs right away, so we've changed/updated the distribution for both BUFFOMET and the PARADISE LUST digital PDFs! You should have received an extra email containing your download links, but comment below or contact Backerkit Support if you're still having trouble accessing these. We're also working on allowing people who wanted to add on physical items to their PDF-only tiers, so hang tight and we or Backerkit support will be in touch ASAP!
We still have ~25% of backers who need to respond to your survey, so fill those out ASAP to ensure your rewards are sent to you as soon as everything's ready to roll! Thanks again everyone, and have a wonderful rest of your week!
Well, this update is what it says on the tin: our books are orbiting their landing port and soon bound for our shipping partners White Squirrel in Everett! The time we’ve been waiting for is here: backer surveys are being SENT OUT over the weekend, and your finalized digital BOOK OF SHADOWS PDFs are ready to download! 👼✨
Please fill out your emails and pay for your shipping ASAP so we can ensure that, once our books/add-ons are accounted for and all of White Squirrel’s shipping materials for this project are sorted, we can start up fulfillment and finally get these books into your hands! Paradise Lust matches its sibling book Buffomet at around a pound and a half/just about two pounds, and our White Squirrel friends have secured us the best possible shipping rates on the market for our INTL backers when packaging weight is also accounted for. At the end of the survey is where you’ll also find download links for your pledged PDFs, so don’t forget to access and add those to your digital library!
We estimate fulfillment to taper from mid-September into October, and we’ll be locking down addresses once White Squirrel tells us we’re ready to go. You’ll receive a 48 hour notice before addresses/surveys are locked, so if you have any special requests or factors that prevent you from confirming an address during this timeframe, shoot us an email at [email protected]and we’ll get you sorted from there.
That’s all for now! The last pieces of the campaign puzzle are our hand-cut bookmarks and Baphbino standees; we’ll have photos of those around the same time our books land in Everett. :) Look for future updates from us regarding ship-outs, address lock-ins, and as always: thank you for your initial support! We can’t wait for you to see these beauties in person, and be sure to fill out those surveys ASAP!