Book of Shadows Editorial Team
12 months ago

Project Update: PARADISE LUST PDF dropping soon! Photos, previews, and more!

Hello hello, faithful followers of Paradise Lust!

We hope you’ve had a wonderful start to your 2023, and thank you so much for both your patience for news on our development! We’ve had a busy winter-turning-springtime over here in between our full time jobs as freelancers and work on the interior development of Paradise Lust, so we thank you for your understanding. 

We have exciting news for you: The Digital PDF for Paradise Lust (AND the Buffomet PDF, for those of you who added it to your pledge) will debut to backers before the end of March, so get ready to see those sexy PDFs in your backers-only update notifications! The latter half of this month (unless technical issues arise) will be dedicated book production, with book shipments beginning in April. 

As a preview for you: take a peek at how these gorgeous pieces are being framed so far … 

And one more treat: our PATCHES OF PRAYER have landed and they are gorgeous! 

Just look at that sparkling gold thread! 

We’ll have limited numbers of the patches available as post-campaign add-ons once we open up the Backerkit fulfillment survey, so keep your eyes peeled for those. Wooden standees and posters will be ordered once the books are on their way and we know how many to order – just in case folks want to add on a little something special with their book orders. 😇✨ 

Thank you again, everyone! We’ll check back in soon with news and good tidings of great joy in the form of your PDFs. We wish you a prosperous week, and thank you again for your support!

Iris Jay, Nero Villagallos O'Reilly, & Hye Mardikian





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