Book of Shadows Editorial Team
11 months ago

Project Update: Backer PDF LIVE! Physical Production Continues! 👼

Hello hello, faithful followers of Paradise Lust! 👼✨

We come bearing news of great joy to all those awaiting our backer PDF! Here it is, for you all: a couple months ahead of the book's physical arrival, and before we open the Backerkit backer surveys. As a head's up: for those that pledged for a Buffomet PDF in addition to the Paradise Lust PDF, we'll have those disbursed once we send out the official Backerkit surveys, which will encompass your entire pledge and any possible add-ons.

We're entering into the nitty gritty of getting physical books in your hands, now that internal design is finally complete, and even at this stage we're extremely proud of how the book has turned out. We hope you as our backers enjoy it just as much, and once again we thank you for both your support and patience.

Find the download link and the file access password in the backers-only content section of this update, and we hope you enjoy as we start a new month! 

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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