Book of Shadows Editorial Team
3 months ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Nearly Complete! Plus: an update on Canadian packages

Hello hello, backers of Paradise Lust!

We hope you've all been enjoying your copies arriving in the mail! Thanks so much for the kind words we've gotten over email, comments on here, or through social media; it means the world to not only see these books have gotten to their new homes safe and sound, but also you're enjoying them since you helped make it happen. πŸ˜‡β€

According to our correspondence with our fulfillment partners at White Squirrel, it sounds like we almost have fulfillment entirely wrapped up, save for some INTL orders and specialty stateside orders (as well as some possible resends: if you're a stateside backer of the EARLY SUMMONINGs tier, please check your email for a head's up on your books)! Regarding our Canadian backers and the most-recent postal worker strike: after correspondence with White Squirrel (and their own communications with postal representatives), they've been advised to continue shipping as normal; your book won't be refused entry into the system, but it will probably take a little extra time to head your way. If you fall under the Canadian postal strike and haven't received your parcel yet or want to know the status of your package (or have any other shipping-related questions), please email [email protected] with your backer number/Backerkit-associated email.

That should be all for now! As always, if you have any other questions about Book of Shadows, email us at [email protected]. Soon you'll be able to see Paradise Lust copies in PNW, queer-friendly book stores, so keep an eye out for πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ visions of angels out in the world β€¦πŸ‘πŸ‘Ό

Thank you all again for your support, and we'll be back!

Iris Jay, Nero Villagallos O'Reilly, & Hye Mardikian
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