Asmadi Games - Chris
7 months ago

Project Update: Week-End Update: Stretch Goals, Relics Riddle #1 Answer, Streams, and More!

Hello friends and dungeon associates! The first week is coming to a close, and it has been an eventful few days. My computer is happily back and functioning after some replacement parts, the folks at MicroCenter crushed it and got things tested and done in under 24 hours! Kudos to them, for sure.

Stretch Goals

With over 1500 backers, we have reached our first Stretch Goal, +1 Relic! That brings us to 9, and extends the number of Trivia Teams whose relic-names will be guaranteed to be in the expansion to 2. Each +1 Relic will increase both of those numbers!

We hope to hit lots more goals in the coming weeks :)

Our campaign's stretch goals are *all* backer-count based. Back for $1 and you're part of the stretch goal process - you can support the campaign in that way even if you plan to buy it at retail later!

Relics Riddle #1 Answer

The poll for our first wordplay riddle is closed, and exactly half of you got it right! Here's how each of the items was concealing a Monster:

The start and end of each item's name can be combined to form a monster: DRAGON, HARPY, MIMIC, and TREANT. The [MI]dnight blue cera[MIC] was the mimic!

The rest of the riddles will employ different wordplay tricks, good luck with them, and I'm absolutely thrilled that lots of folks enjoyed this one.


We just finished today's stream on Twitch (You can always watch the VOD early at ). It'll be up on YouTube sometime this weekend, we played through a full demo floor of Relics and then some development chat plus a second shorter game.

We'll be doing streams next Tuesday and Friday at 2PM Eastern each. Hope you tune in!

Campaign Streamlining / Updates

We've made a bunch of small edits to the images and wording on the BackerKit page to make things clearer and easier to understand for newcomers - if you've got any feedback feel free to share it! We want as many folks to come in and enjoy our new Dungeon offering as possible :) 

Thanks to each and every one of you that's backed already - you make this all happen! 
184 votes • Final results
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