Asmadi Games - Chris
5 months ago

Project Update: Last Days! Last Riddle! Curling?

Hello friends! We are in the home stretch, the last floor of the dungeon, but there is still adventuring to do.

Friday we had our last in-campaign Dev Stream:

where we took the Foxfire for another spin with the Luminous Chime. Both a little too good? Perhaps! This is why we playtest.

We'll do some dev streams in the coming months, we haven't quite worked out a schedule yet but it's a lot of fun testing with friends in chat.

Riddle #10 Answer

This was another tough one! Three of the four books had Green words, and one had a Red word. Green means go, Red means stop! The final riddle, the boss riddle, is up now. It's linked at the end of this post.

Stretch Goals and Post-Campaign Pre-orders

We're still cruising through stretch goals, and there's more we'd love to do with more support. The reality is, this is not like most campaigns where all the stretch goals are sitting in a folder somewhere and instantly discovered fully ready-for-print when reached. We do stretch goals for things we'd like to do, with proper funding. So we will definitely commit to the stretch goals we reach during the campaign, and anything beyond that we'd *like* to do, but it'll depend on how pre-orders go in the pledge manager phase.

A reminder: Any pledge (even $1!) counts towards stretch goals. So tell your friends :)

Stream Schedule

Tuesday afternoon will be our last in-campaign stream, it'll be at 3PM Eastern. The campaign ends at 6PM Eastern! 

Also on, on Monday afternoon at 2:30 Eastern we'll be doing an Innovation Ultimate unboxing to show off the insert, the cards, and such. 

And on Sunday at 4PM, another Curling game! It's the first weekend of our Sunday league, and I'll be streaming it again to our Twitch channel. Who knows, maybe there's even a curling tabletop game on the horizon. 👀
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