Asmadi Games - Chris
5 months ago

Project Update: Working on Stuff, Pledge Manager Dates, Plushies, and PAX U!

Hello friends! We have been catching up on a lot of stuff since the campaign completed, but I wanted to check in with you all about our timelines and progress.

Pledge Manager: Will be opening the first week in November. I need to do some backend things with regard to shipping, we will be trying out BackerKit's "charge shipping later" feature which will allow us to set shipping prices when we get them at the completion of production (in the Spring). Freight/etc prices are wild right now but should come down after the holidays. The quotes I have right now are not what anyone wants to be paying!

Work, Streams, Adventures: Took a couple weeks off of thinking about Dungeon to re-clear the brainspace after the campaign ended, but I'm back to scheming and development this week. We will do a couple streams in November to show off things as they're built. In particular, we'll have cool art to show :)

PAX Unplugged: We have a large booth at PAX U in December, and will have a prototype of Relics on hand to show off to people! If you're attending, you can come see it. Their Expo Map hasn't been released yet, but we're right in the middle of the hall. Frankly, it seems like they built the whole thing around us, the center of the gaming universe. Very kind of them!

Plushies: The campaign for Floral Frolic's cool plushies ends TODAY - if you backed our project and back theirs before it ends, you'll get the free Foxfire pin! Also, they're cool people and plushies are fun. 

Thank you all again for your support! We can't make games without people to play them, as it turns out, so you all are a very important part of the process. Happy random warm-wave in October week, if you're up in the Northeast like we are. 
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