Welcome to Booktopia 2024! πŸ“š a literary extravaganza of creativity and collaboration from a diverse group of writers and artists collectively running book crowdfunding projects from September 5th to September 26th.

The more Booktopia projects you back, the more limited FREEBIES you will earn ✨ 

βš”οΈ 2 FREE Cross Collaborative Freebies for every Cross Collab Project Pair you support!

πŸ“š 1 FREE Limited Edition Booktopia 2024 reward if you back FIVE [5] or more projects at a reward tier*

*Only pledges to physical reward tiers or main digital offerings qualify towards earning these FREEBIES. Please refer to individual campaigns for unlock requirements. 
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πŸ‘‘ Top Cross-Collab Projects

Back both projects and earn a free reward.

Georgina Stancer
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Ruthless Wolves Update #19

Hey gorgeous

A quick update today. The story is moving along, albeit, slowly at the moment. I've had a few health problems the last couple of weeks, which has hampered my progress, but hopefully things are starting to pick back up now.

As long as the characters behave themselves, I should still be on track to finish early in the new year. Once the book is finished, it'll spend some time in editing before being sent to Beta readers. After I've received the feedback from the Beta team, I'll do some final tweaks and formatting and then it'll be sent off for printing.

I don't have a timeline for production and shipping just yet, but I'll post an update as soon as I have that information.

Just a reminder that I will be locking surveys at the end of December. I'm still waiting on a few people to fill in their surveys, so if you haven't filled yours in yet, please do so by the end of this month.

Much love and happy reading
Georgina x

Check out the cute little dragon pins by Pinzilla Studio and the warmable dragon plushies by Roamin' Bison Workshop 😍





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Georgina Stancer
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Ruthless Wolves Update #18

Hey gorgeous, 

Look what arrived today! A box full of Midnight Blade MC enamel pin badges 😍
The skull is black, but it comes with a little surprise that makes it appear lighter in some angles/lights. I'm not going to give away the surprise, but I think you'll love it as much as I do!

Surveys won't be locked until at least the end of December, so there's still time to add one of the MC enamel pins to your rewards pack. I'll post an update and send out an email before locking the surveys. After that time, you'll no longer be able to adjust your survey because I'll need the final numbers to order the books and the rest of the rewards.

There are still a few outstanding surveys, so if you haven't filled it in yet, please do so as soon as possible.

Once the surveys have been locked and I have all of the books/rewards, I'll be able to work out and add shipping costs before charging cards (this will be next year closer to fulfillment). Then it'll be time to lock shipping addresses and begin fulfillment. I'll post updates and send emails before each stage in the process, giving you plenty of notice before locking/charging/fulfillment begins.

Thank you for going on this journey with me ❀️ I can't wait for you to receive your books and rewards! 😍

Much love and happy reading
Georgina x

P.s. Digital rewards will be sent when physical fulfillment is ready to begin.




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Georgina Stancer
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Ruthless Wolves Update #17

Hey gorgeous,

I had planned on posting this update on Sunday after Mr K and I returned from Shrewsbury, but I was exhausted and in pain from traveling, so I took the night off. The trip was well worth the pain, though. I had an amazing time in Shrewsbury Prison for the Author's Behind Bars signing event! I got to meet and chat with so many wonderful readers as well as spend time with my fellow authors. And the prison setting was just epic! Unfortunately, I didn't get my own cell because there was a problem with the lights (I'm convinced a ghost was behind the problems), but I had a great time sharing the prisoner kitchen with Jade West's PA's (unfortunately Jade couldn't be there) and author Tracy Jukes.

Right, that's enough signing event talk. Now it's time for the update. The poll has ended for the colour of the skull and there was a clear winner. The black skull received 100% of the votes πŸ₯³ I must admit, I do love this design exactly as it is 😍
Midnight Blade MC Enamel Pin

I've already placed the order and production has begun on the Midnight Blade MC pin, but the good news doesn't end there. My collab partner, Cara, has received both parts of the collab pin badges and she's sent me some pictures! Cara will be sending my pins over to me soon 😊

I have received some more goodies! The Booktopia Oracle Cards arrived while I was in Shrewsbury and they are lush 😍 I can't wait to see the complete pack together with the box!

Booktopia Oracle Cards

One more thing before I go. Now that I'm back from Author's Behind Bars, I can finally make a start on Ruthless Wolves. I only have the last couple of chapters to hash out, but I'm sure they will come to me as I begin to write (the story will probably change slightly by then as well πŸ˜…). The first draft begins tomorrow 😊

Much love and happy reading
Georgina x




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Georgina Stancer
2 months ago

Project Update: Ruthless Wolves Update #16

Hey gorgeous,

I have some exciting news to share! The first book in the Midnight Blade MC series, Savage Wolves, has now been released into the wild, which means my attention has turned to Ruthless Wolves. I've almost finished with the rough outline, which should be done by the end of next week, so I plan on starting the first draft once I'm back from the Author's Behind Bars signing event next weekend (Nov 9th). I have a lot of prep work to get done between now and the signing, so I won't be able to make a start beforehand.

I have a couple of updates about the other rewards. I have most of the postcards and Storyteller's Oracle Cards already, but the good news is, the Booktopia Oracle Cards are now on their way to me as well. I've also been working with my collab partner, Cara, on the pin badges. We want both halves to fit together perfectly, like in the pictures we've shared, so we decided to order both parts together as one order. Both Cara and the manufacturer are based in the USA, so to save on shipping costs and time, the cross collab pins badges will be sent to Cara and then she'll forward mine to me. They've already been sent to production and will hopefully be shipped to Cara soon. Once she's confirmed they're on the way to me, I will post an update.

I've also been in talks with another manufacturer about the Midnight Blade MC logo pin badge. After a little back and forth about the colour of the skull, the manu have sent me these two mock-ups. I love both versions, but alas, there can only be one. I can't decided between the two, so I need your help. Which one do you prefer? Black Skull or White Skull? Vote for your favourite on the attached poll by Sunday 10th November 😊

Much love and happy reading
Georgina x

P.s. I'm going to start numbering these updates so it's easier to keep track of what information is in which update.

If you love enamel pin badges, then you won't want to miss Pintopia in January 2025

I will be taking part in Pintopia with my own Witchy Vibes & Smut Lovers Club Enamel Pins 😊

12 votes β€’ Final results




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2 months ago

Project Update: Letters from the Frontier, #29

Or more like, letters from the future. I hope you all enjoyed the in character updates during the campaign! WE FUNDED!!! And hit some stretch / community goals to boot. I’m working with BackerKit to figure out how to send the survey to get your rewards, which is much more involved and confusing than I first imagined. So sorry that is taking so long to send. Also, my partner Shiloh will be sending out the cross collab reward on my behalf so don’t worry when it’s not in your package! More updates soon, including a date for a livestream! And since the carnies won the trivia challenge, I’ll have something special for you all soon as well.
If we reach 50 carnies, I’ll release chapters 2 & 3!
Goal: 50 backers reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
If we reach 75 carnies, I’ll host a livestream!
Goal: 75 backers reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
user avatar image for Crowne




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Crossed Paths
team badge icon
4 months ago

Project Update: Update #9: Just a few hours left!

We are almost at the very end of the campaign which is just crazy to me!

I wanted to take a moment to thank all of the current backers and welcome the new ones coming in!

Your help is making this novel a reality and I’m so excited to grow Akeroth alongside you!

Mana Dragon by WynterCreates

We are less than 70 people away from unlocking the Novella and less than Β£3000 away from getting a full soundtrack made!

If you’re still on the fence then your support before this campaign ends would unlock both of these rewards for everyone. So we can all enjoy these creations together!

Remember that if you want to upgrade your pledge you can do so very easily by heading to β€œmanage your pledge”.

Thank you all!

β€” A. R. Swain
50 votes β€’ Final results
We will commission an Official Soundtrack with atleast 6 tracks for the Novel
Goal: Β£38,340.50 / Β£40,000
We need Β£1,659.50 more to reach this goal.
If we reach this goal I will write a 35k worded Novella - The Bonds of Luster and add it to your pledge for free!
Goal: 752 / 800 backers
We need 48 more to reach this goal.
user avatar image for Crossed Paths




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Amey Zeigler
4 months ago

Project Update: $262 Away from the digital coloring pages, upgraded map and piano arrangement download!

I am blown away! I truly am! Thank you so much! I am humbled by your love and support. Thank you to all those who have shared on social media or have told your friends! Keep sharing. It makes a huge difference!

With just 30 hours or so away from our finishing line, we have just a few hundred dollars left to unlock all the digital goodies! WE CAN DO IT!

Don't forget about my amazing collab partner! I had a lovely chat with her last Saturday and we have so much in common. She also loves Japanese anime. If you haven't had a chance to check out her project, I highly recommend hopping over there. She is also fully funded. I was impressed with her story when we talked during our streaming event. And she just seems like an amazing person.  PLUS if you back both projects at a physical tier, you get six oracle cards delivered with your goodies. Thanks for taking part in Booktopia! It's been so much fun!

And here's your free ebook for today.

The Curse Of The Arcadian Stone

Thank you so much for this amazing journey and rush to the finish line! Thank you for being here and being apart of the magic!
Once we reach $3000, we will upgrade both maps and include a digital download for an arrangement of a song and get digital downloads for coloring pages!
Goal: $3,000 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!




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Hey, hey future Bloodlings! 

I hope all is well. I'm sending out updates and getting ready to fulfill everyone's pledges, but there's just something I have to know: 

For those who haven't pledged yet, what's stopping you? 

I'd love to include you in my decision-making process, but the only way I can do that is if you respond to my polls and discussions. So, be honest with me. 

In fact, make it as brutal as it needs to be, because I value your opinion and I'm hoping to build a long-term community. 

So, drop a comment telling me what I can do better, or if there's something I need to explain better, or just to vent. Whatever it is, let me know in the comments, and I'll do my best to offer you the reward you deserve. 





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4 months ago

Project Update: Letters from the Frontier, #21

Time is of the essence, matron, so I’ll make this message quick! Your gold was safely delivered via portal, giving me the resources to survive in Crownhill. For that, I am most grateful.

I will host a magic lesson, as you commanded, once I am home. And yes, yes, I give you permission to record it too.

I’ve been in touch with a fellow traveler, Shiloh Walker, who will share her most popular assassin manual with our coven and any new recruits before I’m scheduled to return home five days from now! *** (Current backers and backers within the final week will get a FREE eBook). It is always a pleasure to support other Sisters of the Sword.

Mark my words, matron, Jacob Mosley will be in his grave before midnight strikes and this ghost town will be freed.

For now, I lie in wait for the opportune hour one week from today. Until then, wait for me.

Your Faithful Servant,


12 votes
If we reach 75 carnies, I’ll host a livestream!
Goal: 75 backers reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!




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Applicants: 625
Funded: 614
Redemption Codes Emailed: 625
Codes Redeemed: 461
These numbers are updated daily.

If you applied for a scholarship, your book was funded and we emailed you. (We covered the last eleven applicants.)

If you applied and have not received a redemption code in the your email, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible.

user avatar image for Zombie Orpheus Entertainment




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Shiloh Walker
4 months ago

Project Update: Choose your team! We are going to play a game...and all of you can win a prize!

And it's a game where nobody loses...unless you just don't play.

There will be a series of questions and as long as you participate in 80% of the questions, you'll get a prize, a little symbol of Ivy's heritage, to be mailed out with your rewards when it's time.

The questions will be posted in the polls...but be warned. As the poll progressed, people might figure out Ivy's secret.

If you don't want to have the secret spoiled...well, I guess you shouldn't play. However, there are layers to her secrets. Like ogres and onions. Cakes and parfaits. Yes, that's a Shrek reference. And some of that secret, you will never guess without reading the story.

Now...pick your team!

FYI, team names don't indicate *anything* at this point other than that's just the name you like, although, you will see this list again.
101 votes
If we get to $6000, we talk dust jackets!
Goal: $6,000 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!




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4 months ago

Project Update: Lazaro’s Diary (May 12, 1893)

A week in the White City, but I’m no closer to rescuing Nicolette. Thankfully, Wolfgang and his men were able to secure some extra firepower for me before I enter the vampire’s blood den. But if I can get more… maybe Webster’s head can be skewered on a pike sooner rather than later.

+4 Comic Pages ($2,000) LOCKED πŸ”’

Merch Upgrade ($3,000) LOCKED πŸ”’

In the meantime, Ms. Button has brought me my target’s suitcase. It’s filled with some rather… peculiar items, and many volumes of literature. Some more entertaining than others. Most with a hint of romance, and all featuring their fair share of action and adventure.

I’ve thumbed through them for clues, and must say Ryan’s spectacular tale of time traveling to the Middle Ages kept me entertained. Brown’s grotesque horror was almost as thrilling as slaying real monsters, and a much safer thrill.

Sheng is foreign born, but his artwork delights, a dark fantasy filled with maidens and magic I would have killed for as a boy. Finally a heart-pounding romance featuring gangs and werewolves. This one was more to Nicolette’s taste, I reckon, but gave me insight into her desires.

The final item in the suitcase was the most baffling of them all. A metallic feather πŸͺΆ bookmark left at the scene of the crime. A distraction or a clue? I would think it belonged to Nicolette, but Button doesn’t recognize it. Her whole disappearance is a mystery yet to be unraveled. For now, I’ll keep the bookmark and all her possessions handy, and have a werewolf track her scent.

(Backers OR followers who answer all the polls correctly between now and the end of the campaign will enter a raffle to win a metallic feather bookmark created by my collab-partner! Are you Team Carnie or Automaton? The winning team at the end of the campaign will also get a secret special perk!)
Includes Follower-Exclusive Content
9 votes β€’ Final results
If we reach 50 carnies, I’ll release chapters 2 & 3!
Goal: 50 backers reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
If we reach 75 carnies, I’ll host a livestream!
Goal: 75 backers reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!




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D.L. Gardner Books
4 months ago

Project Update: Excerpt from Thread of a Spider

After enjoying a few days with the Fae, Paddy learned that they are planning a special ceremony just for him.
By John Bauer - Illustration of Alfred Smedberg's The seven wishes in Julbocken, 1907, Public Domain

β€œThat’s it, then?” Paddy blurted, disgusted. What Alastar was suggesting was more than he wanted to deal with. β€œYou stole me away. Friended me. Trained me, promised me you’d help my family and friends, and now you tell me there are strings attached?”

β€œNot strings. Wings.”

β€œOh, begging my pardon! That’s what I meant. Wings.” Paddy snickered and tossed a stone over the cliff. The pebble bounced against the boulders and disappeared. β€œSo, off I’ll fly and help you win your battle, and then what shall I do with my wings when I go home?”

Alastar didn’t respond.

β€œWhat? I don’t go home?” Paddy pried for an answer, but he didn’t get one. Were the Fae suggesting he would change from a human being into a faerie forever? Was that how they kidnapped children? By luring them into something wonderful and then asking them to give up who they were? His admiration for Alastar was diminishing.

The music had begun again, and Alastar’s attention turned to the dancers. The female Fae had joined the soldiers in their jig, and there was much laughing and merriment. The meadow sparkled with joy. Paddy scooted against a lichen-covered rock. The celebration made him homesick. Everyone back home danced. All his friends, relatives, and neighbors would gather in the park, bring their favorite food and drink, and strike up a tune on their harps and uilleann pipes. Why, even this week a cΓ¨ilidh was planned in Kilbritteny to raise funds for the Volunteers. He would miss the celebration if he stayed here. The money was going to be used to buy guns for the Volunteers.
Paddy moved restlessly. His duty was elsewhere, not with the Fae folk. This had all been a crazy mistake, and it was time to get away.

He hadn’t noticed that Alastar slipped away and joined the others. Nor was he aware when Periwinkle took the Fianna’s place. She surprised him when she interrupted his thoughts.

β€œToday was a good day, PΓ‘draig,” she said softly. β€œWe worked and played and loved one another. And now the sun leaves us in a symphony of color. What a beautiful sunset!”

Paddy was still in his memories, still wishing he were home with his mother and father and Ailis, and with Michaelβ€”his older brother who had left for America after the Great War, and whom he missed terribly. He opened his eyes but failed to see the beauty she spoke of.

β€œIt’s not fair,” he said.

β€œWhat’s not fair?”

β€œMe being here while my friends at home are fighting to survive. Dying.”

β€œI’m sorry your people are at war,” Periwinkle said, though she didn’t sound sorry. β€œHumans are unkind to each other. The Fae cannot change their hearts.”

β€œYou’re not a smidgeon better than they are, what with you robbing me away to fight your war when I should be home fighting mine.” Paddy breathed deeply.

β€œGive this careful thought, PΓ‘draig. What we’ve given you is a far better choice than what you were facing. Should you return now, you’re a fugitive.”

His body stiffened. All the options were laid out in front of him and none of them were choices he wanted. β€œIt’s my family I aspire to be with. That’s all. I just want things to be right,” he said.

Periwinkle took the hem of her robe and touched his eyes with the magic fabric. His worry left him instantly and strength returned to him. β€œDid Alastar explain your initiation?”

β€œAbout wings? Yes. That’s the problem.”

β€œOnce you go through the ceremony, you’ll be with us in whole,” Periwinkle urged. β€œThen you will have no doubts.”

The dancing had ceased, but many of the Fae folk lingered. Some gathered around him and Periwinkle and listened to their conversation. They seemed to be drawn to Paddy’s sadness. They looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

β€œYou have a home with us, whatever you fancy,” one Fianna said as he sat at Paddy’s feet. β€œI was a lad just like you. Lived in Limerick. We were well-off for the most part, busy as any family in the city. My sisters were all older and had little time for me. I was hardly a speck of lint on the windowsill until the Fae came and took me away. Scared to grow wings I was, but I couldn’t help but wish to fly, seeing how free the Fianna were. I could never be happier than I am now. I would wager the same be for you.”

β€œWhy would you want to go back?” another boy wondered. β€œThere’s no light in that world. Sunlight, but not the kind of light that lifts your spirits. Here we make our own light,” he said.

β€œWe’re here for you, PΓ‘draig,” a little girl faerie said. Her wings fluttered gently as she sat on his knee. β€œI hope you choose to stay. You will never have to hide in the thorny bushes again.”

β€œI like you being here, Paddy.” Tommy came to his side.

Tommyβ€”of all the people in this crazy world, Tommy should have understood why Paddy wanted to go home. He was Paddy’s friend and knew his family. But Tommy was young and an orphan, and maybe he was put under a Fae spell of some sort, because he didn’t understand.

β€œYou’re my friend, Paddy. You made things right for me when I was alone. I’d like you to stay.”

Paddy looked him in the eyes. It didn’t seem like this was the same Tommy at all.

β€œLet’s let PΓ‘draig have some time to think,” Periwinkle said as she urged the Fae away. β€œThis is a big step for him.”

Just then, a guard called out, interrupting the mood and startling everyone. β€œLady Periwinkle! Come quickly! Someone has disturbed the gateway!”

Periwinkle turned her attention to the Fianna rushing toward her.
Includes Follower-Exclusive Content




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4 months ago

Project Update: Lazaro’s Diary (May 6, 1893)

I’ve arrived. If I’ll survive is yet to be determined. 

Thankfully, my smugglers got what I needed just in time. But it’s only enough to find my target, not carry out my secret missionβ€”eradicating the vampires too far gone to be tamed, under the control of R. W. Webster and his demented carnies.

For that, I’ll have to go underground, and work my connections.

But Chicago isn’t too bad, I suppose, despite the roving werewolf gangs, blood-drunk vampire junkies, and other oddities on the streets.

And while I don’t trust little Ms. Button, the freakshow’s leader, she’s been more helpful than I imagined she’d be.

She’s small in stature, but has a big heart. Button’s also a surprisingly talented artist, as well. She’s provided a sketch of Nicolette that has proven very helpful.

Let’s just hope I get to her before Roadkill kills her first.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
3 votes β€’ Final results
If we reach 50 carnies, I’ll release chapters 2 & 3!
Goal: 50 backers reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!




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4 months ago

Project Update: Letters from the Frontier, #5 (NSFW)

Greetings Matron,

By sunrise, I will arrive at Crownhill, ready to face the supernatural entity that resides there. The conductor of this ghostrail is an overly chatty fellow, but I don’t mind the living company much. It’s a welcome change from the chilly reception I’ve received from the living dead so far.

The Frontier remains more mystery than mapped, harsh and unforgiving. You and I both know the first forty-eight hours investigating a murder or disappearance is crucial. And, we are well aware that recruiting friends when facing demonic familiars is of equal importance.

So I’m sending you this letter in hopes that you can send reinforcements my way.

Finally, while I enjoyed the literature you placed in my suitcase, please reprimand Imperial Wizard Pierre swiftly! I know he was the last to possess that grimoire.

While thumbing through the historical document, vulgarities slipped from the pages and gave my fellow passengers quite a fright! I worried they’d meet their untimely ends a second time by the looks on their ghastly faces.

FREE for First 48 Hour Backers

FREE for Returning Kickstarter Backers

Time is short, and so I must end my musings. Until we meet again, Dear Matron, I endeavor to never allow the Department of Magic and Alchemy to be disgraced. Your faith in my abilities fills me with gratitude  more than you’ll ever know.

Your Most Humble and Obedient Servant,

39 votes β€’ Final results
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Booktopia 2024


about 16 hours ago

Project Update: Surveys are coming soon!

We're working out some final details so surveys can go out. (I want to offer pickup at conventions as an option, to save on shipping for those I'll see there, and it's taking a bit of wrangling with the survey tool.) As soon as the shipping details for the surveys are settled, they'll be going out to you. 

Don't worry, I'll let you know when they're coming, so they'll be hard to miss.

In the meantime, things are progressing and I hope you're having a good start to your year. Take care!





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Emily McCosh
3 days ago

Project Update: Quick update on the printing timeline!

Hi everyone! Happy new year!! πŸ₯³

Wanted to leave a quick update to let you know I'm still just waiting on the printers πŸ˜‚ The holidays greatly delayed everything, but the paperbacks of All the Woods finally shipped and should get to me next week. I'll start packaging them and getting them out as soon as I get them!

The special edition hardcovers are taking a little longer. They should be done printing in about a week, and will take a few weeks to get to me from overseas, so I'm crossing my fingers for the end of January on those.

Thank you all so much for your patience, and the next update will definitely be because I have books to ship out! πŸ’•




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Leigha Huggins / Heather Lean
about 13 hours ago

Project Update: Update; Survey coming soon! Be on the lookout!

Happy New Year, everyone! 

We hope each of you is filled with excitement, dreams, and passions to pursue this year, starting with a fresh canvas for 2025!

We’re beginning our year with a bang of gratitude and couldn’t be more thankful for our journey and the intentional books we’re creating. Speaking of which, we’re so close to the finish line! We’re hoping to have everything ready for print before the Chinese New Year. Depending on our finished files and the cutoff date, we’ll decide if we can get these beautiful books in the next few months. We’re hopeful for either March or May (or worst case scenario ... June).

Keep an eye out for the surveys being sent out so you can confirm your pledge level (or add anything additional). We are still ordering our hardcovers, even though we didn’t reach our $11,111 goal, so if you want to add something small, a little help goes a long way!

Be sure to confirm your shipping address and let us know your kiddos’ names that you’d like added next to a firefly on the end sheets of The Animal World book!

Thank you for all your support in helping us get this book off to the printers! You are paramount in making this dream a reality, and I promise that as we grow, we’ll have special things in store for you as a token of our gratitude.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, from our hearts to yours!
Heather & Leigha




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Sarah Biglow - Fantasy and Mystery Author
3 days ago

Project Update: Fulfillment 99% Complete!

Happy mid-January all!

I've got some exciting news. With the exception of the book box backers, ALL rewards have now been shipped!

I should receive the final pieces for the book box in the next week or so and plan to get them in the mail before my family and I head out of state for a family holiday.

Re-sent Surveys

There were one or two folks who hadn't yet completed their surveys. In the last day or two, I've had BackerKit re-send the email link to you. I can't send your books if I don't know where they need to go, so please fill them out! These books want new homes. Help me get them where they ought to be!

Thanks again for supporting this campaign!
user avatar image for Sarah Biglow - Fantasy and Mystery Author




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Zombie Orpheus Entertainment
about 10 hours ago

Project Update: Surveys & Discord Accesss

Hi everyone!

I'm so happy to share that we're ready to send backer surveys. The smoke testβ€”a small number of surveys to make sure everything is working properlyβ€”will go out today. The rest will go out on Monday. We're also emailing links shortly to invite you to Discord!

Discord Access

Our Discord server is ready for you. That's where we share new pages, discuss the project, and manage ongoing fulfillment of your rewards. While it's not necessary to join Discord, it's certainly recommended.

Discord can be used in your browser, as a mobile app, or a desktop app. All versions can be acquired from

Once you have the app installed, you’ll want to create a Discord account.

Save your login and password so that you can get into Discord whenever you need.

Discord has two primary types of communication: private messages and private group chats, and Servers, which are more like real-time forums for communities. The link in your survey (we'll also send an email) will give you an invitation to the Discord Server for American Geniuses. If you click the link after you’ve logged into your Discord account, it will let you into the Discord server.

Progress Report

We have a number of new pages to share with you. Natalie has storyboarded through most of the first major set of events and is currently inking and coloring. I'm being a perfectionist and tweaking the dialogue about twenty times (and will probably do so again based on your input), but you can absolutely read more of the story now. We're already getting those pages into the Backer channels on the Discord.

Unique Rewards

If you pledged for a signed page or panel, please keep your eyes open for a panel or page that speaks to you. We'll make a unique, signed print of the final version of the art that you choose, but you'll definitely want to coordinate that with me (hopefully on Discord, but you can use BackerKit if you prefer).


If you're in a Researcher tier, let's check in once you're on Discord. You can share specific interests, or just wait and see what pops up and activates your "someone is wrong on the Internet" spidey-sense.

Physical Fulfillment

While this is a pretty straightforward campaign to fulfill, we still need to make sure that the first issue is perfect. This is where your input and ideas will come in. The best way to track our progress is (you guessed it) on the Discord server.




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Publishing Goblin
5 days ago

Project Update: The Slow January

Hello friends,

Hope you had a lovely December and new year. As noted, I waited till the new year to get things moving to me, and right now they are in talks to get the freight going. Once I have confirmation those are on the way, I'm ordering the copies of This Map is Just a Suggestion and Every Day in Love from my print on demand printer.

With how late it seems to be for them to ship the packages out, I expect I might not have them until the end of the month, or the first days of February. Sorry for the slowness, there's been some slow communications between my manufacturer and the freight agent who are the ones getting the books to me from China. But they're doing it now.

Right now I have card art coming in from Amy Smith for The Hot Housewives Tarot, card art coming in from Enoch Duncan for the Misery Tarot, and card art coming in from Sam Dow for the Goblin's Tarot (coming in July). I've got pins and plushies and ita bags coming in from my manufacturers for the Goblin's Journey pin+ set. I've got plans going out to people for the Goblin's Oracle Dice (3rd ed) for May. I've got work I need to send to artists for March's two games. So things remain busy! 

And yet, I'm still thinking about other books I want to write. But that's the Pub Gob life!
I hope you're all well, and hope to have news of books arriving/heading out soon!

your pub gob




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1 day ago

Project Update: Error, Rewards, and Pics

Hey, hey Bloodlings!

Happy New Year!

I know I haven't reached out in a while (the holidays have been crazy!), but I will resume regular communications now that we've entered 2025.

There was a message that was supposed to go out to ya'll before Thanksgiving; but it didn't post, so this is your mega update. Please read the ENTIRE UPDATE because there's important information in it. Alright, let's get into it:


Some of you may have been aware, but there was an error in my campaign with the Digital Character Art Print with Frame reward. Since I've locked your rewards, I will email you asking what your preference is. Please choose from one of the following: 


At this point everyone should have received their eRewards with the exception of the error listed above. Apologies you didn't get them at the initial time you were supposed to. Initially, there were errors in the proof copy and I had personal things that cropped up that didn't allow me to send them when I wanted to. That said, you should have received them around Thanksgiving. If you didn't, let me know by replying to this update OR emailing me directly at [email protected], and I'll rectify the issue immediately.

Physical Rewards (No Books)

If you backed a tier that did not have books and you paid your charges in full, you should have received your rewards by now.

If you didn't receive your rewards, you most likely received an email sometime in November or December from me stating why. Either you didn't pay your charges in full, or you didn't complete your survey. Check your email and reach out to me by responding to the original email I sent you, replying to this update OR emailing me directly at [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns. 

If you didn't receive your rewards or an email from me, then reply to this update OR email me directly at info@thejsliving and we can figure out what happened. 


Physical Rewards (With Books)

All the books finally made it! So, if you backed a tier with a physical book, you'll be happy to know that I'll be shipping out your rewards soon. But, before I do that, I'm going to go through and run a final check that everyone's account has a zero balance, that your surveys are completed, and that there is no money owed. It should only take a few days for me to go through this and, if I find something amiss, you'll receive an email directly from me. But, hopefully, I'll be able to get everything to you by the end of this month. I'll keep you all updated.

When I initally received the proof copy of Blood Ties, I took a lot of photos so you could see what it looked like. However, since that update didn't send, I'm adding the photos to this one. The printing costs of the book were a bit higher due to the color images, but I think everything worked out. So, here are the photos of Blood Ties and the pins. 

And then you have the pins:

I think that's all for now. I'll reach out to y'all if any other updates come up. Thanks so much for your support!


J.S. Living





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Lorri Moulton
4 days ago

Project Update: Paperbacks update!


Paperbacks are formatted and we have them at the printers. We will let you know as soon as they're finished.

We also had a few late pledges go through, so those people should be receiving their postcards very soon. 

Again, we want to thank you for you support and patience during this campaign.  We really appreciate it!

All the best,
Lorri Moulton/Lavender Cottage Books




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D.L. Gardner Books
7 days ago

Project Update: Join me on Kickstarter for An Unconventional Mr. Peadlebody

Why not start 2025 on a happy note?
Try the comedic novel An Unconventional Mr. Peadlebody!

Inheriting a dilapidated mansion with a tattooed butler would throw anyone's world into a tither. Just think what it might do to an already dysfunctional vampire family.

The Kickstarter is launching at this very moment with some discounts for early birds, some tempting stretch goals, and prices that accommodate every pocketbook.

Aside from a fun novel what’s in the campaign?
  • Limited exclusive to Kickstarter hardcover edition signed and numbered according to pledge order.
  • Paperback and hardcovers are 6 X 9
  • 289 pages
  • Illustrated chapter headings and other black and white illustrations.
  • All books are signed and shipped by the author
  • The 100 prints of Dusty the Chipmunk will be 5 X 7 hard stock, signed and numbered.
  • Bookmark with a possibility of upgrade to foil.
  • Printed in the USA
  • Audio book narrated by award winning narrator Brad Wills.
  • Some awesome stretch goals in the works including printed edges if we make them!




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