Tim Sattley
9 months ago

Project Update: The Print Proofs Have Arrived

Behold! I have the print proofs for ALL content in hand. This includes the full 48 page publication, 3 drop-in adventures, the rune lore and a new playable Purple Planet race.

As expected, there are only some small changes and minor fixes that need to be addressed. I have also received the thumbs up from Goodman Games that the content meets the requirements as identified in my Third Party Publishers license.  We are one step closer to getting this all new Purple Planet content into your hot little hands.  

Also, I have talked with some of the other publishers and have figured out a way to send out the add-on digital content before the surveys go out.  Essentially, I will be sending out DTRPG download codes to the e-mail address you use for Backerkit.  For those of you who purchased some of my add-on adventure content (hard copy and digital) if you use a different e-mail address for DTRPG, please send me a message and I will make the adjustment.  This does not include the free pdf stretch goal. The free adventure pdf will have to wait until the survey so that you can make a choice of the one you want.

Game on!

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games






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