Tim Sattley
3 months ago

Project Update: Where is My Content???

Hello everyone.

I hope you are having a great holiday season with your friends and family.  This is an update that I should have sent out a while ago, but things have been crazy, so it has been delayed.  Here is the latest info on Random Acts of Violet.

PDF and Digital Content:  For anyone who missed it, I fulfilled all of the digital PDF content back in the beginning of November.  This was sent directly through DriveThroughRPG.com and was not part of the BackerKit bundle of PDF's that came from Goodman Games.  In the original campaign I said I would send out the download codes directly, so I stuck to that plan as that is what I thought people would be expecting.  (Yes, I should have sent out an update when the digital downloads were sent out - Sorry, that is on me.)

It has come to my attention that a couple of people had some issues of not receiving the e-mails from DTRPG (or in one case, they missed the e-mail and it was in their SPAM box).  These were sent out as a single e-mail for the Random Acts of Violet & the stretch goal content, plus an additional e-mail for each add-on purchased and/or the free stretch goal adventure chosen during the survey.  Looking at the DRTPG download counts, I can see that most backers have already downloaded their content, but every project has some crazy things that pop up.  If you missed any of these e-mails from DriveThruRPG, had some other issue, or had a problem with choosing your stretch goal adventure during the survey, please reach out to me directly by e-mailing me at [email protected].  I will get you sorted as quickly as possible.  Please send me direct e-mails as opposed to writing comments on the BackerKit project page.  I want to make sure that everyone gets exactly what they were expecting and direct e-mails are the best way for a quick resolution.

Additionally, If you downloaded the Random Acts of Violet file within the first day or two, you may want to take a look at your file version.  The original upload was mistakenly done as an AFPUB file.  I fixed this, uploading the PDF version within the first 48 hours.  The correct PDF file has been on DTRPG since November 12th.   

Print Content:  I am happy to report that all of the hard copy, printed materials for Random Acts of Violet has been fully produced, printed and sent to the fulfilment company.  I have confirmed that these packages have been received, and they are working on some of the final pieces to get the Purple Planet bundled shipping out the door.  I am really stoked about how well the books and the full color stretch content turned out.  The printers did an awesome job!  I can't wait to start hearing feedback once you actually get these books in your hands and at your gaming tables. 

Here is a link to the Goodman Games update on project shipping.  

I will be creating another update shortly, with a behind the scenes look at the printing process and pictures of the finished content from this project.  Stay tuned - more to follow in the next 48 hours!

Thank you again for your support and patience with this process.  It has been a fun ride so far and I am looking forward to seeing many happy adventurers roaming upon the Purple Planet.

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games






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