Tim Sattley
5 months ago

Project Update: Announcement: Anagram Name Winners!

Hello 'o members of the kith horde.  I have some exciting news today.

Drumroll please........

After consulting with the scrying stones of old and seeking guidance from the Oracle of Orm, I am happy to announce the Random Acts of Violet anagram name winners. In case you may have forgotten (it has been a little while since the campaign ended), multiple names were pulled at random from those actively engaged in any of the Purple Planet Backerkit conversations, as well as those who supported multiple horde projects. For my specific Horde project, I was given two names, which I used to create anagrams for two different NPC's within my Violet Valley setting. 

Let the heralds cry out the names of the winners along, with an abbreviated sneak peak at the characters they have become inside the Violet Valley.

Winner #1 Justin Davis: 
Visadis Jaunt
, aka Bag 'o Bones, the kith caster. A rather foul kith who leads a cult-like band of exiles. Some time ago, Visadis stumbled upon a unique item, giving him the casting powers of a 3rd level wizard. Always in search of ways to increase his power, feeding an oversized ego and propelling him in his quest to become the ascended master he believes himself to be. 

Winner #2 Jonathan Kurts: 
Strukan Nathoj
, the proud and honorable Kith Warlord, shamed in his exile from house Cotcyst. He spends his time in self-reflection and nomadic wandering. Strukan belongs to a sect of elite warriors known as the Bonekithkuka, and spent years mastering the task of crafting a legendary bone-chaku weapon. This self-defining task has instilled him with a zen-like persona not normally found amongst the kith. 

Congratulations to both winners! I hope you are excited to have your names go down into official Purple Planet Horde lore. I'm sure that this sneak peek may have left you with some additional questions, like: What is a bone-chaku? What is this Violet Valley you speak of? Who is the Oracle of Orm? Or what is this strange thing that has given Visadis his magical powers?

All this (and more) will be answered with the upcoming digital release of Random Acts of Violet. How you contend with these characters, issues and encounters is up to you and the adventurers at your table.

Thank you again for all of your support. 

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games




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