Hello Followers of the Kith Horde!
The time you have been waiting for is now upon us. The hard copy materials have begun landing on all of our doorsteps (in the US). Those...
Tim Sattley
3 months ago
Behind the Scenes - Print Edition
Hello Everyone,
Before I get to the meat of this update, I wanted to remind everyone to check their e-mail boxes and DriveThruRPG libraries to make sure that you have receiv...
Tim Sattley
3 months ago
Where is My Content???
Hello everyone.
I hope you are having a great holiday season with your friends and family. This is an update that I should have sent out a while ago, but things have been c...
Tim Sattley
7 months ago
Your Journey to the Purple Planet is Close at Hand
It's not much longer now. Soon, you and your party shall find yourselves upon the scarred wastelands, struggling to survive under the unyielding rays of a weirdling sun. Assault...
Tim Sattley
9 months ago
The Print Proofs Have Arrived
Behold! I have the print proofs for ALL content in hand. This includes the full 48 page publication, 3 drop-in adventures, the rune lore and a new playable Purple Planet race.
Tim Sattley
10 months ago
Announcement: Anagram Name Winners!
Hello 'o members of the kith horde. I have some exciting news today.
Drumroll please........
After consulting with the scrying stones of old and seeking guidance from the Ora...
The time you have been waiting for is now upon us. The hard copy materials have begun landing on all of our doorsteps (in the US). Those wonderful packages of glorious gaming content, awesome artwork and creative prose have made their way through boats, planes, trains and trucks to land on your front porch. Let the unboxing begin!
I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Goodman Games and along with all of the third party publisher horde members who created some fabulous content. Hopefully you were just as impressed as I was as I unboxed my extremely large cache of creativity. The only question now is how soon can I get this to my gaming table.
The Purple-Planet Campaign was a milestone for Backerkit, as the first ever RPG multi-creator collaboration project. As with all new ventures, yes there were a couple of hiccups which can be address in the future. As an insider on this project, I also know that we had no plans to do a consolidated fulfilment during the early stages of this campaign. This was a change made on the fly in order to minimize shipping costs for our backers. This consolidation took additional time, coordination and effort, and probably caused more then a few headaches. In the end, this consolidation made it so that all of your Purple Planet products landed at your home at the same time. For me, this fact was a big deal.
We have a personal family rule when eating out at a restaurant, nobody eats until everybody at the table has received their meal. Many times we have sent back multiple meals, insisting that everything arrive together so we can eat together as a family. In a similar manner, I am really happy that everything Purple Planet was able to show up at the same time instead of you receiving bits and pieces over a 4-6 month period. After all, what good is a first level adventure if you still haven't gotten the Purple Planet setting information found in Tome of Adventure Vol. 4. Call me crazy, but that is how my mind works.
Additionally, some of us (me included) had originally committed to a specific method of digital fulfilment, which we wanted to maintain (promise made, promise kept issue). Unfortunately, this led to some backers thinking that they would be receiving their digital content in the same Backerkit download location as all of the other Purple Planet content. I apologize for this confusion. As mentioned in previous updates, If you backed my project, please check your DriveThroughRPG.com libraries and downloads to make sure that you have received your Random Acts of Violet digital content. It was originally sent on November 5th, 2024. If you have not received your download links, please email me at [email protected] and I will get you sorted as quickly as possible.
Also, if you missed getting in on the action during the campaign, copies of all Purple Planet content can be found on the Goodman Games website.
Thank you for your support. Thank you for backing my work. Thank you for making this entire process possible.
Tim Sattley High Dive Games
Now for a little poll. For those of you who have already dug into Random Acts of Violet, please let me know what part you liked the most. I'd love to hear your feedback as I continue to create things going forward.
Before I get to the meat of this update, I wanted to remind everyone to check their e-mail boxes and DriveThruRPG libraries to make sure that you have received and downloaded you Random Acts of Violet PDF content. These download links were sent back at the beginning of November. After posting my last update, I have heard from a handful of people that they had a problem with receipt of their digital content. Also, from looking at my DTRPG download counts, there are still a number of people who haven't accessed their RAoV content. Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any issues regarding your PDF's.
For this update I wanted to share a behind the scenes look at how the printing process works and how it was executed for my Random Acts of Violet campaign. As a total process geek, I find this stuff really interesting and I am sure there are others out there who will feel the same way. This post is for you. If your only interest is in the fun gaming content, that is cool too. If that is you, then the rest of this particular update may not be your cup of tea, so feel free to skip to the end.
First, I wanted to show you the final printed product, and what everyone who backed Random Acts of Violet at the physical content level will be getting. Your content will show up as a 48 page, saddle stitched (staple) book, along with a shrink wrapped package of 5 individual, full color, cardstock stretch goal adventures/content. All of this is in a full 8.5" x 11" format. One of the things I really enjoyed about this project was that my local printer let me come into their workshop to see the entire printing process, front to back. It was really cool to see how my digital files came to life on their printer machines. Here is the finished print job on a pallet, just before it was shipped to our fulfillment partners. For this project, the interior pages were printed on massive sheets, of 8 pages each, using a Heidelberg press. These pages were in black & white, so it was a fairly straightforward print job. Here is the actual press that printed these pages.
I was unaware of how many times the printer needed to make test runs, just to ensure everything was lined up and laid out correctly. This step was done using recycled scrap paper so as to minimize waste. As you can see in the picture below, the printer would run 3-4 test prints over the same sheets of paper, focusing on the print marks and margins to make sure everything was square and that all of the bleeds (pictures going off the edge of the page) were correct. Here are some of the finished print sheets for the interior pages before they were cut to size. For a size comparison, I placed one of the finished 8.5" x 11" books on top. The book's color cover was made with a completely different printer. This was due to the fact that it was a 4 color print job with a special coating and thicker stock of paper. Here is the printer that created the covers.
Overall, I had a ton of fun seeing how my books and content were physically produced. If you made it this far in the update, I hope that you found this peek behind the scenes interesting as well.
Thanks again for all of your support. I can't wait to hear that the fulfillment is complete so that I know everyone has received all of the awesome Purple Planet adventuring content created by Goodman Games and all of the Horde creators. I know I can't wait to start running players through the trials and tribulations found on this alien world.
I hope you are having a great holiday season with your friends and family. This is an update that I should have sent out a while ago, but things have been crazy, so it has been delayed. Here is the latest info on Random Acts of Violet.
PDF and Digital Content: For anyone who missed it, I fulfilled all of the digital PDF content back in the beginning of November. This was sent directly through DriveThroughRPG.com and was not part of the BackerKit bundle of PDF's that came from Goodman Games. In the original campaign I said I would send out the download codes directly, so I stuck to that plan as that is what I thought people would be expecting. (Yes, I should have sent out an update when the digital downloads were sent out - Sorry, that is on me.)
It has come to my attention that a couple of people had some issues of not receiving the e-mails from DTRPG (or in one case, they missed the e-mail and it was in their SPAM box). These were sent out as a single e-mail for the Random Acts of Violet & the stretch goal content, plus an additional e-mail for each add-on purchased and/or the free stretch goal adventure chosen during the survey. Looking at the DRTPG download counts, I can see that most backers have already downloaded their content, but every project has some crazy things that pop up. If you missed any of these e-mails from DriveThruRPG, had some other issue, or had a problem with choosing your stretch goal adventure during the survey, please reach out to me directly by e-mailing me at [email protected]. I will get you sorted as quickly as possible. Please send me direct e-mails as opposed to writing comments on the BackerKit project page. I want to make sure that everyone gets exactly what they were expecting and direct e-mails are the best way for a quick resolution.
Additionally, If you downloaded the Random Acts of Violet file within the first day or two, you may want to take a look at your file version. The original upload was mistakenly done as an AFPUB file. I fixed this, uploading the PDF version within the first 48 hours. The correct PDF file has been on DTRPG since November 12th.
Print Content: I am happy to report that all of the hard copy, printed materials for Random Acts of Violet has been fully produced, printed and sent to the fulfilment company. I have confirmed that these packages have been received, and they are working on some of the final pieces to get the Purple Planet bundled shipping out the door. I am really stoked about how well the books and the full color stretch content turned out. The printers did an awesome job! I can't wait to start hearing feedback once you actually get these books in your hands and at your gaming tables.
Here is a link to the Goodman Games update on project shipping.
I will be creating another update shortly, with a behind the scenes look at the printing process and pictures of the finished content from this project. Stay tuned - more to follow in the next 48 hours!
Thank you again for your support and patience with this process. It has been a fun ride so far and I am looking forward to seeing many happy adventurers roaming upon the Purple Planet.
Hi, I have not received an email from drivethrurpg with a link to the pdf. Or should I expect it in the digital downloads for the purple horde? I don’t see it there yet either.