Tim Sattley
10 months ago

Project Update: Status Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope (wherever you live) that you are having an enjoyable spring so far. I know it has been a little quiet since the end of the Purple Planet Horde campaign, so I wanted to send out a quick status update to let you know where things stand with production and fulfilment.

First the (not so) bad news. Unfortunately, I am only able to send out a single backer survey for each pledge level. This fact is going to postpone the fulfilment for the add-on materials, holding it up until I can get a single survey send out for the complete project. All of the add-on material is complete, so the survey results are the only thing holding up fulfilment of this content. I really wish BackerKit and Kickstarter would add a feature for multiple surveys or partial fulfilment surveys, but this is out of my control. That being said, I will commit to this: I will pick a date (approximately 2 weeks after the survey goes out) and all of my digital content will be fulfilled at that time. I will also ship the hard copy add-on product, so please return your surveys quickly once sent out.

On a positive note - Layout is complete for the main Random Acts of Violet book and I am waiting on printer proofs so that I can make any fine tune adjustments that are needed. The total page count came to 48 pages in an 8.5 x 11 format. I have also completed 90% of the layout on the bonus stretch goal content, with only a single drop-in adventure left to finish.

The entire Horde is having a big pow wow to hash out the final pieces of our group fulfilment. In case you haven't heard, all horde member projects will be fulfilled in conjunction with Goodman Games, as a single Purple Planet shipment. As a group, we believe that this will save backers money on the total shipping cost by avoiding multiple, individually shipped items, arriving at different times. We don't have all of the final details yet, but know that we are conscious of the rising costs of shipping and we are doing everything we can to minimize this for you. Also note, that for my portion of this project, group shipping is only for the Random Acts of Violet publication + all bonus/stretch content. All add-on products will be sent directly by me through DTRPG.

Things are moving fast and I am really excited about how this project has come together. A ton of cool content is coming your way soon. Game On!  

Tim Sattley, High Dive Games

And now a little exclusive sneak peek for the backers.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content





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