The World Anvil Publishing
about 1 month ago

Project Update: #07 - Solo Mode Unlocked, New Stretch Goals announced

All right mercenaries,
The Valraven multi-table event at PLAY Modena was a success, and as promised, here are some pictures from the room. It's the first time we've had so many people playing the game at once, and the scenario focused on repelling a Darokar invasion. Each mercenary Company was able to help other mercenary Companies (with players physically able to move between tables), protect or sabotage machinery and structures, and make sure the Darokar Titans couldn't crash into the city walls. A huge thanks to the organizers for running the event, and to the 10+ Master of Chronicles who made it possible. I was only able to attend for a few moments, but it was definitely a cool thing to see. I don't have the final scenario in my hands yet, but this is probably something that will be shared in some form on our Discord server at some point.  

Lone Blade: Solo Mode

It's unlocked! We knew this was a fan favorite, we just didn't realize that people might want more of it. I'm happy to report that after consulting with the game's author, Alberto Tronchi, we have decided to accept the community's request to work on an expansion that will allow you to play not only as a lone hero, but also as the entire mercenary company solo. This is all new, never-before-published work, so we'll tie it to reaching the 36 000€ stretch goal, which is within reach as we’re entering the final days of the campaign.

The next stretch goal, at 33 000€, is instead a collection of incredible NPCs to be added to the Book of Eclipse, developed by our friends at fellow publishers like Tin Hat Games (Urban Heroes, Xenoscape, Weird World, True OSR) Fumble GdR (Not the End), and prominent content creators from the Italian TTRPG/literary scene like Morgengabe, Andrea Lucca, Dr. Manhattan, and Gabriele Campagnano.

Upcoming Live Stream 

In the vote for the Season of Venom, Jared justified Kyra's actions... the final Season will be released before the end of the campaign, and the vote will close at the same time as the campaign to allow last minute backers to vote.

In this regard, we're planning a new live stream starting half an hour before the end of the campaign, on Friday, the 24th, at 9:30 AM - PT / 18:30 CET. Stay tuned for the link and more.






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