The World Anvil Publishing
8 months ago

Project Update: #13 - Smoke Test & Failed Payments

Hello Mercenaries, 

As the old prophecy foretold, some of the payments did not go through (sadly, we’re slightly above average). The good news is that we can fix this. How? All backers of this campaign have been imported into the Pledge Manager. Once you receive the invitation code, you'll be able to try other payment methods, including PayPal. 
When do the invitation codes go out? Not yet, because we need to do a…

Smoke Test

The smoke test is actually a test of the Pledge Manager where only 5% of you are randomly invited. The purpose is to see if everything is configured correctly, and if it's not, I can easily fix it before the other 95% hit the system at once. 

How will you know if you've been selected for the smoke test? If you receive a Valraven Pledge Manager invitation in the next 24 hours, you have. If you don't, you haven't and will get it later. 

It's a good idea not to give too many instructions before a smoke test, as the instructions on the Pledge Manager should be self-explanatory. If something isn't clear, please contact me and I will communicate it better and make sure I address any questions or issues before we open the gates to everyone. 

The only thing I need to mention is this, because it's not intuitive at all. If you want to switch your pledge level for another pledge level, you can ONLY do it from the very first screen you see (see image). 

Will you be one of the lucky 5%? Let's see. 

For everyone else, these pioneers will make your Pledge Manager experience smoother. I will send another update when we know everything is working as intended. 



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