8 months ago

Project Update: Vergence update 27 July 2024

Hello friends,

I hope your summer is going great (or winter if you happen to live in the southern hemisphere). Here's what's happening with the Vergence crowdfunding campaign:

  • Otherworld has been released! This supplement explores a place a place dreams become real, fragments of souls coalesce into physical form, and old gods linger from the First Days. It includes three new playbooks and a new challenge. It took me a while to get this right, but I'm very happy with how it came out. Otherworld should now be available to all backers to download from Backerkit.
  • The final (I hope) proof of the color version of the Vergence print on demand color hardback should arrive soon from DriveThruRPG. Assuming it looks right (I really hope so), I will send out codes for all backers at the POD pledge level to order their books. I'm sorry this has taken so long, but proofing through DriveThru is very slow and I am not willing to put out a book that isn't of good quality.
  • I'm now working on Voidwall, the final supplement and the last stretch goal. 

Thanks for your support!






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