9 months ago

Project Update: Vergence update 27 June 2024

Hello friends,

Here is what's happening with the Vergence crowdfunding campaign:

  • I will need to continue to work with DriveThruRPG, and order a modified proof, to have a color hardcover book ready for print. I am sorry for the delay. It will be at least another 2–3 weeks. 
  • The B&W version of the hardcover book (with color cover) is now for sale on DriveThru. For POD backers, I will in the next few days be emailing you a code to purchase the B&W book for $14.31 US plus shipping. This is the minimum price allowed by DriveThru (none goes to me). If you don't get the email within a week, please check your spam filter for a message from smallcoolgames@gmail.com.
  • When the color hardcover is ready at DriveThru, I will send POD backers a purchase code for that version as well. Currently, DriveThru lists the minimum cost of the color book at $47.30 US (color printing is a lot more expensive). DriveThru could change that price between now and when the book is available, but that should give you a pretty good idea of the price differential between the B&W and color books, so you can decide whether you'd prefer to wait and order that one.
  • I am still working on the Otherworld supplement. I hope to have that out in the next few weeks. After that, I'll start active development of Voidwall.

Thanks again for your support!

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