11 months ago

Project Update: Vergence update 13 April

Hello friends,

I just received a color printer's proof of the Vergence core book and it looks great. 

I'm going to take a few days to go through it, fixing any small issues I discover. Then I will lock the book as final and order the U.S. print run. When I receive that delivery I will package the books and ship them out to U.S. print backers.
I will also do a few other things when the core book is locked:
  • Digital copies of the final core book (with sheets and handouts) will go out to backers and be uploaded to itch.io. 
  • The Prosperity Engine and Journey to Hel supplements are ready, so those will go out to backers. Otherworld and Voidwall are in the works but are not ready yet.  
  • The Tome of Greater Beasts is also ready and will go out to early and high tier backers.
  • Prep the core book for DriveThru POD. This will require approval and a printed proof before I can send print coupons to backers at the POD level. 
Thanks for your support!







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