12 months ago

Project Update: Vergence update for March 30th

Hello friends,

Here is where we are with the Vergence crowdfunding project:

  • I now have the manuscript for The Prosperity Engine supplement by Shawn and Navi Drake. It's awesome! I am finalizing layout and should have the PDF ready to go out with the final version of the core book.  
  • I have ordered a proof copy of the Vergence core book hardcover from the printer. It will be a full color book on 80 lb. glossy paper—despite not achieving the color interior stretch goal, I am still making that happen. The printer proof should arrive in a week or so. I will fix any graphical errors and do a final read-through for typos and then order the print run of books for U.S. hardcover backers. I already have shipping boxes and should be able to get them in the mail shortly after receiving the books. 
  • When the final version of the core book is locked, I will prep print files for DriveThruRPG (which have to be slightly different than the files for the regular printer). DriveThru requires that I order a proof from them and approve it. Once that is done, I will send out print coupons to everyone backed at the Print on Demand level. 
  • When the print version of the core book is locked, everyone who backed will get access to the final PDF, along with character sheets and handouts. 
  • The Tome of Greater Beasts supplement is a small extra for early and premium backers. It will be available with the final version of the core book. 
  • Meanwhile, I am working on the Journey to Hel supplement and will have news on that in a future update. I  will get it out as soon as possible after the core book is finalized. 
  • After all that, I will finish the Otherworld and Voidwall supplements, which I expect to deliver  later this year. 

Thanks again for all your support!






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