Sandra Tayler
3 months ago

Project Update: Thank you for your support!

Thank you my wonderful backers!

Thank you so much for showing up enthusiastically to support this book. Crowdfunding is always a question asked of the world at large. It is me saying "I want to make this thing, does anyone else want it?"  I am so glad that in this case, with this book, the answer is yes. I'm glad I get to finish the writing and production on this book. I'm glad you all will get to read it. I'm glad that it will continue to exist and be a resource for people long after this project is fully delivered and complete.  

Thank you!

Some Closing Stats

$39,330 total for the project
1140 Backers (when I was going to be happy with a few hundred)
913 paperback books sold (Which is enough to apply upgrades to the offset printing)
67 giveaway books

What's Next?

Today: I've got some steps to take in order to switch from live project to pre-order store. I've also got digital thank you notes to post in a multitude of places. And I plan to  order celebratory sushi for my family.

Backerkit will collect your pledge money. If there is any trouble with payment, you'll have at least two weeks to square it away with Backerkit. After that period if there is still a problem I can help you. We'll make sure your pledge can go through.

Friday: I'll be a guest on the World Anvil livestream. (Noon pacific time) We'll be talking about adapting your life to fit your capacity with a special focus on chronic illness and neruodivergence.

The Weekend: I am going to collapse into a small heap over the weekend. When not staring at walls, I'm going to take care of things and people around my house who have been neglected during the promotional flurry.

Monday: (or maybe Tuesday) I'll give you a list of deliverables and a timeline for production, surveys, add-ons, etc. 

Thank you

Thank you for backing the project.
Thank you to everyone who reposted any of my many social media posts
Thank you to those who vouched for me and my book telling others why you think it will be worth reading.
Thank you for the recommendations you have given to people in offline places.
Thank you if you pledged for a giveaway book, I'm so glad I'll be able to share those with people who need books and can't afford them.
Thank you if you bought an extra copy for someone else in your life
Most of all:
Thank you for being the sort of person who wants to create things and is willing to restructure your life around that.
Creating things makes the world better.

Thank you so much for making my creation possible.

With gratitude,
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