Project Update: February Update
Greetings Backers!
I'm overdue on giving you an update. Sorry about that!
TL;DR: The redraft is complete! Only editing remains. No action items for you. If you have questions or concerns about anything relating to your order please email [email protected]. I'm giving you all another chapter to read. The chapter can be accessed by clicking over to Backerkit and logging in. Your next update will be the week of March 10- 14. Details below.
I'm overdue on giving you an update. Sorry about that!
TL;DR: The redraft is complete! Only editing remains. No action items for you. If you have questions or concerns about anything relating to your order please email [email protected]. I'm giving you all another chapter to read. The chapter can be accessed by clicking over to Backerkit and logging in. Your next update will be the week of March 10- 14. Details below.
My February got entirely absorbed by attending and running events (LTUE and StoryCon). BUT, I still managed to finish the redraft of all of SLSC. It is now a complete book with a word count of 78,000 words. This is half again longer than the 50,000 words I first intended, but I'm so glad I got to include more thoughts. Some of those final chapters in the book feel really important to me. My next task is to do several editorial passes in quick succession. Each one will find errors and refine the text. I'll be working with multiple different editors who have different areas of focus.
I'll be working layout tasks in parallel to try to get the basic layout figured out and to get started on the custom designed notebook now that I know what all the activities are. Hopefully by my next update I'll have some preliminary layout that I can show you.
I'm going to try to work fast on both the editing and layout. I'd love to have books in my hands for an event in May, but my printer in China has a three month turn around time, so that ship might have already sailed. I'm still going to work fast because I want the book in your hands as soon as it can be.
I'll get to work and have an update for you in a couple of weeks.
Thank you so much for backing my project!
Sandra Tayler
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content