Sandra Tayler
6 months ago

Project Update: Quick Update: Trying Again Next Week


I had an ambitious plan for two weeks of productive work on SLSC. I failed at all of it. I did not finish a single item on my SLSC to do list because all of my efforts were pulled into work on the Schlock Mercenary book my husband and I are sending to print soon, also into extra babysitting for my daughter whose house had a plumbing adventure, also there was a bunch of medical stuff which I'm going to be non-specific about in this update except to say chronic conditions are hard, also there was emotional processing around that medical stuff, also I'm just tired. But even if I can't report piles of progress, I can make sure to report instead of giving you silence. Sometimes we don't get to be the creative people we want to be. 

I love the quote from Mary Anne Radmacher "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that quiet voice at the end of the day that says 'I'll try again tomorrow'."  So, I'll try again tomorrow, and all of next week. 

Starting Monday I have multiple consultations and mentoring sessions scheduled, which will definitely help me keep my head in the space where I'm thinking about SLSC. I've also arranged most of my days so that SLSC gets morning brain instead of hoping to have brain in the afternoon.  The week after that I board a plane to be a staff member for the Writing Excuses Workshop and Retreat. That event is specifically designed around helping people write, so I intend to use the structure of it to help me get work done. 

I hope to post a quick update during the event, and I'll give you all a full status report on October 2-3, by which time I plan to have the book fully revised and ready for line edits. 

Thank you for coming along for this journey, even the doldrum-y bits.
Sandra Tayler





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