Sandra Tayler
4 months ago

Project Update: Revision Progress

Greetings Backers!

Revision is progressing nicely! I'm about 1/3 done, but I expect the middle 1/3 to take less time. You can see a chapter-by-chapter report down below. You can also read the full chapter on Priorities by clicking over to read this update on Backerkit and making sure you're logged in. Your next update will be the week of November 11-15


Going by wordcount, I'm about a third of the way done with this revision pass. I expect this middle third to go much faster than the first third did because I won't need to completely deconstruct and re-make all of the chapters the way I had to for the early ones. There are some chapters at the end which might be more work, I'll have to see when I get there. 

I reached out to my editor and I'm getting a bid on a "Substantive Edit" which will dig in chapter by chapter to make sure each one is fully formed. I'll have to do a cost / benefit analysis based on the bid and the sample edit that she supplies. Such is always the case when creating projects, we have to decided how much is enough.  As much as I might wish for infinite resources of time, energy, and money, I have to make do with what is actually available. The chapters I've revised are already so much better than they were before. I'm going to let all you backers read the chapter on Priorities in full. You can access it by clicking over to Backerkit and making sure you're logged in when you read this update. 

Here is where things stand based on the table of contents:

Intro (I'll write this last)
Creativity and Dreams
  • Creative work of our lives (Also write this last)
  • Landscape of dreams DONE!
  • Priorities DONE!
  • Identifying your Pillars DONE!
  • The community you need DONE!
  • The boundaries you need DONE!
  • Managing Mental Load DONE!
  • Ebbs and flows of Energy Levels DONE!
  • Replenishment and Depletion DONE! (10/28/24)
  • Curating Your Commitments in progress
  • Your Physical Space DONE! (10/27/24)
  • Fragmentation of Creative Time in progress
  • Time Scheduling and Project Management in progress
  • Stopping and Starting
  • The Motivation Problem
Making Changes
  • Goals
  • Structuring Changes
  • Believing in your work
  • Your access needs
  • Emotional processing and grief
  • Caregiving and creativity
  • Health challenges
  • When things go sour
  • Weight of the World

You may note that I've got three chapters "in progress." I've discovered that when I'm stuck on one chapter I can sometimes bounce to another one and make progress on that. Then when I bounce back to the first one sometimes I'm not stuck anymore. 

I've put design work for stickers and notebooks on hold for right now. Trying push everything forward all at once was making me frazzled and wasn't actually getting things done faster. If I have brain for complex thinking, I'm spending it on revising instead of design work. I'll catch up on the design work when the manuscript is back in the hands of an editor. Thank you so much for making it possible to give this project so much of my focus. It is because of your support that I'm able to give it my first attention instead of my third or fourth. 

All the best,
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