All available Add-ons

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    Paperback SLSC

    Paperback SLSC

    26 purchased

    A paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY Gift a copy to a friend! Donate one to your local library!

    Giveaway Book

    Giveaway Book

    40 purchased

    You’re buying a copy for someone who needs this book and can’t afford it. These copies will be mailed to recipients at no charge for book or shipping. Sandra will create a simple application process for people to claim these gift copies.


    Digital Lecture Bundle

    Digital Lecture Bundle

    22 purchased

    You get access to 3 video lectures by Sandra Tayler. The lectures are: Claiming space: learning to believe in the value of your own work. (Battling imposter syndrome) Caregivers Guide to Regaining your Creative Spark Introverts Unite: Finding and maintaining the creative community you need

    Creativity Bundle

    Creativity Bundle

    1 purchased

    You get a creativity bundle including a signed paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY, a notebook, stickers, bookmarks, notecards and any of the items that are added to the creativity bundle through stretch goals.