Kate Evans
7 months ago

Project Update: The Black Cubes are here!

Greetings vislae!
We hope your summer has been full of mysteries and discoveries! 
We bring great news: the Black Cubes and Vislae Kits have completed their harrowing journey across uncertain seas, and are now in our warehouses. We’re currently prepping these for fulfilment, and will update everyone as soon as we can get them out to you!

The MCG warehouse team wrangle more IS black cube boxes into place

The final supplement reprints are nearing completion. Again, as soon as we have dates for this we’ll let everyone know here and also by email.

A young woman sits writing as cloud like spirits whisper to her

If you’re after a different sort of mystery while you’re waiting, we’re crowdfunding three more books for the award winning Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game. Make sure you’re signed up to be notified now.

A young man bathed in lantern light, reaches for an artefact atop a pill of bones and detritus

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