Charles Ryan
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Fulfillment of Existing Items Is Underway!

Greetings, vislae—

Exciting news! Fulfillment of the following existing products is now underway:

  • Invisible Sun in PDF
  • The six existing supplements in PDF
  • Prop Set 2 in PDF
  • The six existing supplements in print (Phase 1)
  • Iconic Figure Set (Phase 1)

As we mentioned in our last update, and during the campaign, there are limited supplies of the existing items. Reprints are now underway, but that’s going to take some time. For now, as Phase 1, we’ll fulfill what we have, starting with the first backers. So:

  • If you were an early backer (in the first day or two of the campaign), we will fulfill some or all of these existing items to you now, in Phase 1.
  • If you backed after the first day or so, these items will fulfill when they are reprinted—probably around the time we fulfill the Black Cube or shortly thereafter.

Because existing quantities of these items vary, even early backers may receive some rewards as part of Phase 1, and others later.

If these items are among your rewards, you can redeem them now on the MCG Shop.

Speaking of Reprinting…

Work on the Black Cube is now well underway. Our vendor has been reviewing files, running proofs, and setting up for production over the past several weeks. The Lunar New Year occurs this month, and most manufacturing in China closes for some time to celebrate, so things will slow down in February. (We planned for this, so it doesn’t impact our schedule.) The pace will pick up again in a couple of weeks. The Black Cube is an enormously complex product—one of the most physically complex games ever produced—so there’s still a lot of work ahead. But we expect to see it move quickly through production following the Lunar New Year!

Thank you so much for your support!
—The Monte Cook Games team






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