Kate Evans
3 months ago

Project Update: The Wellspring is at the printers!

Double page spread of The Wellspring interior intro pages

The Wellspring is at the printers! We're really excited about the props and the book; they look great! Here’s a sneak peek:

Double page spread of The Wellspring showing a tunnel map and NPC

Double page spread of The Wellspring of a floating house and NPC

Double page spread of The Wellspring and the Battle of the Oasis

Furthermore, The Darkest Art is currently wrapping up layout, and will be heading to the
printers in the next week or two. We’ll have spreads to show you next month!

Coupons for any outstanding Invisible Sun supplements and Prop Set 2 in print will also
start to be made available this week, so please check your emails!

So What's Next from MCG?

The Magnus Archives RPG statement

New statements. New horrors. New lore. New resources for the GM. New options for the
players. New adventures by The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims.

The Web weaves. Will you find yourself within its tangles?

Our next campaign delves deeper into The Magnus Archives. Sign up for a notification when the campaign launches!

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