Kate Evans
18 days ago

Project Update: The Wellspring is Here and The Darkest Art is Coming!

Greetings vislae,
The mystical paths of shipping have been cleared, and The Wellspring is in our warehouses and will be fulfilling soon!

Please check your MCG store accounts over the next few days and look for the email from us to confirm your coupons are ready to redeem.

As a gentle reminder, this is how we fulfill crowdfunders: https://www.montecookgames.com/how-to-claim-your-crowdfunding-reward/

Gaze upon The Darkest Art

Additionally, we’ve just received early press copies of The Darkest Art, and it is quite sensational! Each chapter features a different artist and their work over various MCG titles. We’ll be receiving these into the warehouse this month so we can get them into your hands.

In the meantime, please enjoy a few pages:

Double Page Spread of The Darkest Art: Cypher System 1940s city folk discovering tentacles, Invisible Sun vislae casting a spells.

Double Page Spread of The Darkest Art: The Darkest Woods spooky locations with creatures, Invisible Sun armed warrior.

Double Page Spread of The Darkest Art: Various Cypher System creatures with many limbs.

Get Tangled in The Web

Fully funded and adding new things all the time, The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game: Tangled in the Web crowdfunding campaign is going strong, and only available for another 8 days! Check it out now.
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