Charles Ryan
8 months ago

Project Update: The Wellspring Includes Props!

Greetings, wise vislae—

Your efforts to draw additional vislae out of the Grey and into the Actuality—and into our ritual—are finding astonishing success! You have increased our ranks to 1161 backers, and, accordingly, unlocked yet another stretch goal.
The Wellspring has grown again, this time with the addition of a props packet to be included with the hardcover book.

But if we peer into the future, what image of The Wellspring’s form might we perceive? Might it contain even more props and similar items? And if so, might those be contained, alongside the hardcover book, within a handsome box?
This conjuration ritual will require an even greater roster of participants. You will unlock this upgrade to The Wellspring when we reach 1431 backers.

You may take interest in the noteworthy success of this campaign. As a reprint—and the second reprint, at that—one might have expected moderate results. Perhaps comparable to the previous reprint campaign. Instead, this campaign is actually, to date, exceeding the success of the original Invisible Sun offering!

This can only be due to the industry you and your fellow vislae have put into reaching others still toiling in Shadow. Continue this wondrous effort—share a post on social media, or comment on EN World, reddit, or other gaming sites—and we will surely see The Wellspring grow once again!

Thank you so much for your support!
—The Monte Cook Games team

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