Made by Max Designs
20 days ago

Project Update: Survey Updates: Deadlines, Stretch Goals, and Data!

Hello bibliophiles,

Survey Progress and Reminders

So far 87% of you have completed your surveys! Orders will lock and cards will charge on April 1st. The pre-order store will also be closing on March 31st. You will still be able to edit your shipping address until it's fulfillment time.

Post-Campaign Stretch Goals

We're very close to unlocking the coflowing book and reusable sticker book! If you had been considering them, now if the perfect time to add one to your order and help unlock them for everyone.

Some Pretty Charts (yay data!)

It's been interesting to see which designs are most popular and the breakdown of regular vs deluxe pin orders. Here are some colorful charts that show a rough breakdown of genres by popularity (excluding freebie pins).

Upcoming Project

Finally, I wanted to share some updates about my Floral Pride Pins collection that launches later this month. This campaign celebrates queer perseverance with four 2" pin designs and a newly added set of three 1" mini pins! This campaign will be a collaboration with TWO other creators who also participated in Pintopia. Backers who support all three of our LGBTQ+ themed campaigns will receive a free mini pin from each of us. Check it out here.

With love and creativity,

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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