Made by Max Designs
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Pre-Order Store, Survey Stretch Goals, and Deluxe Pin Designs!

Good news, I'm currently running ahead of schedule! I have most of the items set up for the post-campaign surveys and plan to send them to Backerkit for review next week.

Right now over 30 people have failed payments for this campaign. Please double check that your payment was collected successfully, especially if you backed multiple Pintopia campaigns and the charges may have been flagged by your bank. You won't be able to receive your surveys and rewards until your payment method is correct.

Pre-Order Store is OPEN!

If you missed out on backing the campaign, the pre-order store for Bookshelves for Bibliophiles rewards is now open! Pre-order customers will receive their orders on the same timeline as backers, but won't be getting the freebie items that were offered during the campaign. Check out the pre-order store here!

Post-Campaign Stretch Goals

I'm using Backerkit's post-campaign stretch goal feature to include a couple extras add-on items I didn't get a chance to add during the campaign. These items will be created is at least 20 people purchase them through the pre-order store or backer surveys. If you add one of these items to your order and it doesn't meet the 20 person minimum, it will be automatically removed from your purchase and you will not be charged for it.

Reusable Sticker Book: A reusable sticker album lets you collect stickers, move them around, and remove them without disrupting their stickiness. The book will be A6 size (approximately 4"x6") with a full color cover, wire bound spine, and 50 interior pages made from release paper.

Printed Coloring Book: A 6"x9" printed 24-page coloring book featuring ALL the artwork from the campaign. The book will have a full color cover with a gloss finish and uncoated 80 lb. interior pages. All coloring pages will be single-sided to prevent marker bleed thru.

Deluxe Pin Designs

The poll results for the 6th Deluxe pin are currently very close between Arts and Crafts and Mystery... so I'm giving you both! There will be 7 deluxe edition pins available for +$3 during the post-campaign survey.

Fantasy Deluxe: light green and gold glitter added to the dragon and artifacts.

With love and creativity,





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