jex thomas
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Update 21: Smoke Test + An Artist Spotlight

Hey all!

Very excited to report that I'm about to hit the "go" button on the survey smoke test.

For those of you who may not be familiar, the "smoke test" sends surveys to 5% of backers from each pledge level. It's a way to help us catch any errors in the survey and check that everything is working the way it's supposed to. Once that's done, the surveys will go out to the rest of you!

Artist Spotlight

I'm also very excited to share that one of our illustrators, Ashley Altadonna, has been profiled by the Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project! I'm delighted to see Ashley recognized for the work she does locally and nationally to support and advocate for the queer community while also making time in her life for creative pursuits such as music and doing art for projects like this one.

You can read the profile here.

And here's one of my favorite pieces that Ashley did for the book:

Community Copy Goal

I decided that even though the campaign is over, I'm leaving the community copy goal open. So far, between the campaign and preorders, we've unlocked 607 community copies. If we can get that number up to 666, I will add 666 community copies not only to the Revised Edition of Bump on itch, but also to all of my current and future paid hunts that I publish in the next year.

That's all for now! Be on the look out for those surveys soon!

Unlock 666 community copies and Jex will add 666 community copies to all of their paid hunts
Goal: 607 / 666
We need 59 more to reach this goal.




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