jex thomas
28 days ago

Project Update: Update 26: Fulfillment Updates (and a sneak peak for backers)

Hello Last Piners,

First, I'm super excited to officially announce that we are partnering with Indie Press Revolution for fulfillment on the hardcovers. For those who aren't familiar, IPR is a network of creators and publishers that have been getting small press/indie tabletop roleplaying and story games into the hands of players and retailers for almost twenty years. IPR is focused on quality by selectively recruiting and vetting their publishers and I'm absolutely delighted to be among them. IPR also gives creators/publishers a greater portion of sales than pretty much anyone else, and has good experience with fulfillment for crowdfunding projects. I think this is the best possible move in terms of getting books to you in the best time frame possible. 

Relatedly, now that the ink has dried on the contract with IPR, I should be able to get shipping estimates soon. These will be estimates only, but will at least give you an idea of what to budget for shipping. 

This all means we're getting closer to locking surveys and charging cards. I've closed the pre-order store and the plan is to lock surveys at the end of the week. Unfortunately, there are still 17 of your who haven't finished your surveys. Please, please do so as soon as possible to prevent any hold-ups in getting your stuff to you!

Lastly, there's a special treat for backers in the backers-only section of this update. I hope it's as exciting for you as it is for me!

Until next time,

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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