jex thomas
6 months ago

Project Update: Update 31: Stragglers, fill out your surveys! Deadline Friday 9/20!!

No big updates this week. We are on track to charge cards for shipping on Friday 9/20. You'll get a reminder 48 hours before. If you've completed your survey already, as the vast majority of you have, you can stop reading now.

For the eight of you who still haven't completed your surveys -- I know you are probably not reading this but if you are, please fill out your surveys ASAP. I want to get the game into your hands. When IPR completes fulfillment for the folks who have completed their surveys and paid for shipping, the remainder of the books that I sent to them will go up for sale. Now, I sent them a lot of books, so this isn't me saying if you don't complete your survey by Friday there's no guarantee you'll get your books, because realistically that's probably not going to happen, but it could! Your book will be part of the general stock that IPR is selling to consumers directly and wholesaling to retailers, and the longer you take to complete your survey, the smaller that stock is going to be, and there's no guarantee that we'll do a second printing. So please, please, fill out your surveys!!






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