Io Publishing
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Fiendish Forge Preview PDF!

The Fiendish Forge Preview PDF is out NOW!

Our Preview PDF includes one of our creature entries - the Axe Beak Executioner! We wanted to show you how we focus on quality over quantity regarding our creature compendium. You'll see included here, as well as included with each creature:
  • Fully Illustrated
  • Regional Effects
  • Stat Block
  • New Organization Block
  • A Quest
  • Materials Gathered
  • Themed Magic Items

In addition, we are including a Rules Glossary, which will include new terms introduced in the book.

How do I get the Preview PDF?

The link is down below, but only available if you are following this project, and have a Backerkit Account. Be sure to sign up so that you are available when we go live August 20th at 1pm EST. We will be announcing our Day 1 rewards very soon - so make sure you're signed up!

Fiendish Forge's Backerkit goes LIVE Tuesday, August 20th at 1pm EST!

Includes Follower-Exclusive Content
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