The Crab Legion
This includes an Elite CR 3 and a Standard CR 1
Rules Updates
Phase Resistance Further updates have been made! We removed the ability to automatically end a condition or effect if it's non saved, and replaced it with the ability to end a condition without needing a save by expending 2 Phase Actions! Having effects like Hunter's Mark being removed was unintentional, so I'm hoping this clears things up.
Added the following to the Phase Turn description: Beginning/End of Turn Effects happen as soon as possible, but once per round. If a Phase Creature is targeted by an effect that takes place at the Beginning or End of a Turn, it takes place at the Top Most Phase Turn or the next possible Phase Turn. These effects can only take place once per round. This includes effects that would end at the end of a Phase Creature's turn.
This is balanced for 4-5 players. For every player below or above 5, decrease or increases the max HP of the Crab Legion by 39. You may not need to make this change for a 4 player party.
Please fill out this form. Please understand that any pending payments will be charged now for participating in the playtests.
Enjoy! This playtest will close January 5th , 2025.