The Cruel Hyena is out! This includes an Elite CR 5 and a CR 1.
The Cruel Hyena
Rules Updates
Stoneworking in now Masonry We've renamed the Stoneworking profession to Masonry to line up better with Mason's Tools.
Learning Crafting Recipes We've written up a blurb for learning crafting recipes, and included 2 new optional rules: Purchasing Crafting Recipes and Researching Crafting Recipes.
Phase Resistance & Optional Rule: Expanded Phase Resistance We've removed the feature allowing GMs to end an ongoing Condition with 2 Phase Actions, and have now made this an Optional Rule. This also includes the ability to remove Effects as well. We did our best to outline and inform the risks of using this optional rule - and recommend raising the creature by a CR and increasing Material Gathering by up to 50% more attempts when using this rule. We also go into not using this rule on all conditions and effects, such as being Grappled, Hunter's Mark, and Banishment.
More to come We will be including an optional rule that allows you to use alternative tools to specific projects. If you're looking for a group, feel free to use
Please keep in mind:
This is TEST MATERIAL and may have spelling/grammatical errors.
Layouts and content may change after playtest.
Empty spaces are where images will be in the final product. Images aren't included in playtest packets.
Creatures are balanced for 4-5 player parties of the same level as the CR. Going below or above this will alter the intended experience.
ALTERNATE PARTY SIZES While not included in the doc, we do want to experiment with including adjustments for alternate party sizes. Please reference below your party size.
This is balanced for 4-5 players. For every player below or above 5, decrease or increases the max HP of the Cruel Hyena by 34. You may not need to make this change for a 4 player party.
Please fill out this form. Please understand that any pending payments will be charged now for participating in the playtests.