Dragons of Wrath release at $125k!
Fiendish Forge (5e) - Fearsome Bosses, Monstrous Items

Fiendish Forge (5e) - Fearsome Bosses, Monstrous Items

Evolve your 5e combat encounters with Fiendish Forge! Gather materials and forge monstrous items to face off against fiendish bosses!
$127,211 🎉
of $10,000
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Fiendish Forge

Welcome to Fiendish Forge - from the publisher who brought you Why Slay Dragons when you could be FISHING.

This 320+ page book is compatible with 5e TTRPGs (both 2014 and 2024 versions). The book features creatively thought-out boss creatures with gathering tables and monstrous magic items themed after each creature. New battle concepts and mechanics, such as creature spawning, phase combat - and creatures that utilize the "Bloodied" condition - ensure combat always stays fresh.

Compatible with 5e TTRPG Systems

This book is also a love letter to games such as Monster Hunter, so it features a straightforward gathering and crafting system that all players can easily engage in. Each system is also modular, meaning you can make it as complex as your table desires. 

The Axe Beak Executioner charges in.

Inside the Book

  • New Crafting/Material Gathering System
  • 40+ Boss Detailed Creatures, each with regional effects, organization blocks for groups, and a quest.
  • New Combat Mechanics, such as Phase Combat and Creature Spawning.
  • 150+ Gatherable Materials from Fallen Creatures
  • 200+ Magic Items

Aboleth Prime awaits those brave enough to face them.


More than a Stat Block

More than just a stat block, this book features 40+ detailed creatures, with each creature having the following:
  • Detailed Illustration : Instead of just a posed creature art, each creature features a fully detailed illustration within their own environments, allowing the GM to be better inspired on how they can put these foes within their game.
  • Regional Effects : Beyond legendary creatures - this section details how each creature affects the environment they are in, giving the GM plenty of info on how they can use these foes.
  • New Organization Section : Not all monsters need to be fought on their own - sometimes these foes will have backup. The Organization Section gives you group ideas, as well as ways to modify the fight! This includes ECC (Encounter Challenge Rating) and XP gained for each organization.
  • Quest: Each creature comes with their very own quest, allowing GMs to easily "plug and play" these monsters into their world.
  • Materials Gathered: Each creature has a list of materials that can be gathered from using our Material Gathering system introduced in the book. Each Material also features a Market Value - good for treasure.
  • Themed Magic Items: A plethora of magic items are included, with groupings themed off of each creature. These can be used as treasure drops for defeating foes or as recipes for crafting - using our Crafting System introduced in the book.

A Bloodmantle lurks above, ready to strike.

Gathering/Crafting Systems

  • Every party member is capable of gathering materials - even from fallen creatures! 
  • Materials gathered with a variety of uses - from crafting multitudes of projects to treasure.
  • A DCless Gathering System - only requiring a roll on the creature's Material Gathering Table.
  • Characters with certain proficiencies can do difficulty checks to enhance table rolls and results!
  • Modular System: Make it as complex as needed for your table.
  • No DCs or long downtime is needed - get results as early as a Short or Long Rest.
  • Open Material Requirements mean Gathered Materials can be used for a multitude of projects.
  • If the materials being used have the same value as the Item you're trying to Craft, you make the item.
  • Using compatible materials with rarities equal to the item project rewards the artisan with deep discounts for crafting.
  • Rules are kept simple for accessibility while still feeling rewarding. 
  • Results happen quickly, allowing you to focus on the game and not let crafting take over.
  • Modular System: Make it as complex as needed for your table.

A Chimeric Cockatrice flies in.

Engaging Combat Mechanics

Level up your combat with Fiendish Forge - and make your battles fun!
  • The return of the Bloodied condition, allowing creatures to remix their strategy at half hit points.
  • Spawn mechanics allow you to bring creatures into combat. Spawned creatures appear closer if characters cannot see the entire battlefield!
  • Introducing Phase Combat - forgo creature Initiative Rolls as foes take multiple turns with a detailed combination of actions. Transform creatures into complex boss encounters.
  • New Elite and Boss CR Tables - with increased hit points, damage, and xp. Create your own bosses!


Pledge Levels

Add on Tier - $1

Don't see a bundle you want? Make your own! Select this tier and add on the items you want - and create your own bundle!

Digital PDF - $30

Get access to our 320-page book - full color and fully illustrated! Our PDFs include bookmarks and hyperlinks to make navigation easy.

Hardcover/PDF Combo - $70 $60 

By purchasing our high-quality hardcover book - we will also include the Digital PDF!  This bundle will be higher after our crowdfunding is completed!

Digital Bundle - $120 $100

This is our "All In" for Digital Items - for those who don't want anything shipped. Includes our Digital PDF, Foundry VTT Module, Digital Tokens (Square and Circle of every creature entry in our book), and Digital Battlemaps (Compatible with VTTs like Foundry and Roll20).

Miniature Bundle - $120 $100

This package includes our Digital PDF, Hardcover Book, and nickel miniature of our cover creature - the Wyvern Queen! This miniature is scaled for 5e TTRPG Huge-sized creatures.

Pin Bundle - $160 $135

This package includes both Fiendish Friends Pin Sets 1 and 2 - along with our Hardcover Book and Digital PDF of Fiendish Forge. Each pin is a 1" metal pin with an enamel color fill.

Dice Bundle - $190 $160

Perfect for dice collectors! This package includes our Handcrafted Wyvern Blood Liquid Core Dice Set, Ancient Scale Resin Dice Set, and Hunter's Satchel Dice Tray - from our friends at Fanroll. These are limited edition products that are only being created for this Backerkit! This also includes our Hardcover Book and Digital PDF of Fiendish Forge.

All In Bundle - $410 $360

This is for those who want everything Fiendish Forge has to offer! All dice sets and trays, Foundry VTT Module, Digital Tokens and Battlemaps, both sets of Fiendish Friends Pins, our Wyvern Queen Miniature, and of course - a Digital PDF and Hardcover book of Fiendish Forge!

Support Bundle - $1000

Along with everything from our All In bundle, this also includes a 1 on 1 with lead designer Brett Gear for an hour to talk about almost anything - especially TTRPGs, GMing, and Showrunning! Also includes a special thanks credit in the book for such generosity.
NOTE: 1-on-1s must be scheduled before Dec 31st, 2025.

Forgemaster Bundle - $2500

The ultimate pledge. This includes everything from the Support/All In Bundle - but you will also get to pitch a creature for Fiendish Forge! We will then make everything to place in the book, keeping you updated on works in progress and get a specialized early access PDF of your pitched creature - before anyone else gets to see it in the book's release!
NOTE: Pitched creatures must be approved by IO Publishing. Creatures pitched must be signed over to IO Publishing to allow us to publish it. 


Stretch Goals

We have a list of stretch goals we'd like to meet to continue making this book the best it can be! All backers will receive these stretch goals.

Tier 1 - Creature Remix ($0 - $75,000)

Your favorite creatures from 5e, remade in new ways for your tabletop!  Each creature entry includes everything from our creatures: Regional Effects, Stat Blocks, Organization Tab, Quest, Materials Gathered Table, and Themed Magic Item List.
  • $25,000 : Red Dragon Turtle
  • $50,000 : Thunderhead Roc
  • $75,000 : Winged Tarrasque

Tier 2 - Dragons of Sin ($100,000 - $175,000)

A new set of dragons themed after mortality's sin. In addition to everything listed above, we will include material gathering tables and stat blocks for Wyrmling, Young, Adult, and Ancient.
  • $100,000 : Envy Dragon
  • $125,000 : Wrath Dragon
  • $150,000 : Greed Dragon
  • $175,000 : Pride Dragon

Tier 3 - Dragons of Virtue ($200,000 - $275,000)

A new set of dragons themed after mortality's virtue. In addition to everything listed above, we will include material gathering tables and stat blocks for Wyrmling, Young, Adult, and Ancient.
  • $200,000 : Humilty Dragon
  • $225,000 : GratitudeDragon
  • $250,000 : Diligence Dragon
  • $275,000 : Temperance Dragon

Tier 4 - Legendary Stretch Goals ($300,000+)

This is our dream list! Making it to this tier includes some extras we'd love to have.

  • $300,000 : Fiendish Forge OST
    • We will create a 10-11 track OST in collaboration with Jordan Chin - well known for his composition in games such as Monster Train.  All backers will get MP3s and Loopable OGGs for use in your favorite VTTs.  We plan to make the soundtrack easily available upon the book's release - including Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music releases!
  • $350,000 : Sorcerer Subclass - Monsterous Bloodline
    • We wanted to create a new detailed subclass - and this tier would be it.  The Monstrous Bloodline Sorcerer is all about observing creatures, how they fight, and mimicking their behavior. Spend sorcerer points to bestow a Horrific Appearance like a Hag, conjure Animated Chains like a Chain Devil, or even Death Burst like a Magma Mephit when you fall unconscious!

Tier 5 - ??????? 

If we go beyond our expectations, we may add more stretch goals.  We want to be careful to add too much, as we don't want to take away from the book's development.  Be sure to participate in our Launch Party streams to provide input with what you'd like to see!!

Add Ons

You can still grab a copy of Why Slay Dragons when you could be FISHING through our Backerkit Add Ons!

Made by Humans, not AI

No Generative AI was used in the creation of our book.


Shipping and Logistics

Pledges do not include shipping.
If you've backed anything with physical products before - you know that shipping (especially internationally) is expensive. We don't know the final shipping rates since they may change when our book is finished.
While we offer no guarantee of shipping rates, historically, we've seen shipping rates for the US to be $20 and International Shipping between $30 and $70—but that may be different when we ship. Please use these price points for planning, not as a guaranteed set price.
We collect shipping, taxes, and duties about a month or two before we're ready to ship all of our products, and we will communicate this to you well in advance. 
We ship out all products simultaneously to ensure you're paying the least for shipping. 
We will do everything in our power to ensure that we are working with the best fulfillment partners, ensuring that you're getting the best shipping prices handled by professionals. 



Now that we've successfully created and released our first book - Why Slay Dragons when you could be FISHING, we are more confident in completing this book. We've learned a lot of lessons, and we believe there is plenty we can improve upon from our last project. Thanks to such wonderful support, we were able to start this book earlier - we've already finished half of the creature art, and have written most of the monsters. We are farther along in this project than we were with WSD:Fishing when we started up our Kickstarter. We are now experienced developers who finishes what we have promised.
We had to establish many new relationships with developers, manufacturers, and fulfillment partners before. Now, we have all those pieces in place from our previous project.
Because of all of this - we believe this project is low risk to you - however - there are a couple of risks we're keeping an eye on, and already preparing for.
The biggest risk with this project is—as always—time. While our goal is to finish these books a year after crowdfunding is completed, we will always focus on the product over the deadline. You've spent your hard-earned money on us - and we do not want to release a rushed product. We will stay in constant communication with you during the entire development, and if delays happen, you will know about it, you'll know why, and you'll know what we plan on doing about it.
The next biggest risk is a 2024 update to your favorite 5e TTRPGs. We are confident that these creatures will be compatible with both 2014 and 2024 5e systems - and will even include a digital errata if any differences need to be addressed. 


Io Publishing wouldn't be where it is today without the talented people who make up our team.

Alec Hamilton - Interior Illustrator
Alison Joyner - Writer
Cath - Graphic Designer
C.L. Eloy - Writer
Dakota Curry - Interior Illustrator
Francesco Pinna - Interior Illustrator
Joe Comma - Interior Illustrator
Laia Atenea Nimis - Writer
Masae Anela - Writing Director, Writer, Editor
Mariah Tekulve - Interior Illustrator
Mariel Labajos - Graphic Designer
Nathan Deiwert - Interior Illustrator
Nathaniel Balaba - Cover Illustrator, Interior Illustrator
Ryan Tompkins - Writer
Sam Elliot - 3d Designer
Sara Campolo - Interior Illustrator
Simone Bucci - Interior Illustrator
Varbas - Graphic Designer, Interior Illustrator
Zackary Murdoch - Writer
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