Project Update: Playtest #6 Doc - Condemned Hag
Hi everyone!
Our next playtest doc is out! This is for the Condemend Hag, and also includes a secondary stat block for the Ill Fated Hag - both are Standard CR 7.
The Condemned Hag
To participate in the playtest, you must complete the following.
Our next playtest doc is out! This is for the Condemend Hag, and also includes a secondary stat block for the Ill Fated Hag - both are Standard CR 7.
To participate in the playtest, you must complete the following.
- Join our Io Publishing Discord:
- Fill out the Backerkit Survey (if you were a Backer) OR fill out the Google Form (if you did NOT back but pre-ordered).
- NON-BACKERS(preorder):
- We update every time a playtest packet is released and every couple of days after. Please be patient while we verify your playtest status.
BACKERS: You must complete your Backerkit Survey. The Google Form is only for pre-order customers. We cannot verify you through our pre-order form.
PREORDERS: Preorder customers will be charged for their preorders before verification can go through; please ensure you are ready to be charged early!