Horse Shark Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Update Patch December

Play Test

Julian Bernick has completed his play test of The Battle at the End of Time and is finalizing the manuscript. Julian has been a great help to the overall development of Netcrawl and I'm extremely fortunate to have him along for the ride. Shane Kablooey Madgett also ran Netcrawl in Calgary back on Dec 5th. Other play test groups are popping up here and there. Want to run some at your table? Talk to me on the Discord.


The first adventure, In Space No One Can Hear the Robopocalypse, is nearly finished! I'm waiting on some art and we'll be ready to share it out to all Patreon supporting and free members. You could start playing the 0-level adventure at home after the new year, just sign up at the Patreon.


Finishing touches are being put on the main manuscript. The main rule book is pushing towards 200 pages! Which might strain the budget. There might be an appendix in the PDF that adds in some repeated content (most likely programs from Enchiridion that are core to the game). Donn Stroud and Julian Bernick are starting on some ideation tables for Netcrawl: Arcologies.


Jeff Scifert finished primary pass through the main rule book and should have The Battle at the End of Time to work on very soon. Craig Langrall has been a great help editing all the programs that have been developed for Netcrawl and a handful of "core" programs in Enchiridion have also been edited for Netcrawl style.


A month ago I promised pictures of swag and stretch goals, here they are:

Loz, the Eye Wizard

Exciting news! The Netcrawl + Eye Wizard boxes arrived from France this month! Check them out!!! These custom, hand-cut stencils, and hand-painted boxes will be going out to only 20 lucky backers. I've reserved a very small number for future charity type situations.

Character Sheet

Updated Netcrawl character sheet is available. Lots of good feedback from the play test tables helped flesh it out. Try it out! Now room for storage (I guess that mechanic needs to be published sometime soon), credits, places to document RAM for daemons, skills are their own panel, etc. I'll probably work up some class specific layouts for Functions and Notes sections, but this version is going to go to print for the pad of character sheets.

Token Collect

Brian and I are play testing the mini adventures for Token Collect. There's also some images to look at. First the cover by Łukasz Kowalczuk! Our combined corporate name is SMEGCO.
And the tokens for Cross Collab Achievement stretch goal are in the house, too!
Sweet token collection! Everyone who backed both campaigns will get these 35 tokens to use with the adventure.

Happy Holidays

That is quite a info dump. I hope you are as excited as we are. Happy Holidays and see you in the New Year!
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