Horse Shark Games
5 months ago

Project Update: Adventure Poll: Twin Split - pt. 5

The trace fails! For cybernauts that means that the algorithms used have become corrupted and difficult to use (burndown will let us cast it again if we really need it).
Worse than that, there was a wire shark hiding in the connection and it's coming straight for B@TB0!D v01ds33k0r!

Now Cybernauts are a little tougher than fantasy wizards, but they are not fantastic in combat. As noted before, cybernauts can utilize their ability scores to increase their program checks by the amount sacrificed. Doing so is called burndown; the points sacrificed for burndown eventually return but it takes 1 day per point.

Hack can be used after the roll, to increase the program check result. However, Hack does not return after it is spent. You recover Hack for cool & remarkable acts at the table or after the adventure is a success.

Here's our courses of action:
Option 1: Run like hell down the tunnel to whatever is there at the end.
Option 2: Bring down some heavy damage by running particle beam on this tracking terror.
Option 3: Option 2, but with some burndown and/or Hack (tell us how many points we'll burn in the comments) to ensure success and hopefully a high program check result.
Option 4: Let's GO! Time to flash that leet light sword we keep for those occasions where leaving it to the random number generator in our programs just isn't an option.
26 votes • Final results





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