Horse Shark Games
4 months ago

Project Update: Update Patch October

First I want to share with you how grateful I am for your support. This campaign was amazing and you all made it happen. As of right now most pledges have gone through with only 15 people having issues with their payment. Your pledges are so important to producing all the great stuff that you helped make possible.

Speaking of that stuff, I've began ordering the stretch goals and backer bonuses that will accompany your orders. So far I've ordered the WorldNet Posters, the Netcrawl bookmarks, and first 48-hours backer stickers. You'll get a look at the sticker & bookmarks in next month's Update Patch. Here's some photos from the printer of the posters. I bumped the size up an inch to 14"x20". I'm not sure if I'll booger glue them into the books or just put them in the box loose. I think most this stuff will arrive before the end of October.

Julian Bernick has finished his first pass at his 4th level adventure, The Battle at the End of Time. I hear it will be ran by Julian at the Goodman Games' Planet of Cyclops Con and by me at U-Con, in Ypsilanti, MI. Brendan recently checked in on his progress. I am organizing the final corpus, dubbed Netcrawl RPG v0.9, working on adventure, and Netcrawl: Arcologies.

Lastly the Ypsi-Arbor Archveults [Gongfarmers Local #420] have been getting together and playing Netcrawl RPG. Big thanks to Donn Stroud, Mark Donkers, Paul & Robin Linkowski, David Serra & George & Justin Davis for their time play testing the game. It's going to be a great winter.


U-Con in Ypsilanti, MI, November 15-17
Friday at 7:00 PM - Token Collect [Netcrawl DCC RPG]
Saturday at 2:00 PM - Token Collect [Netcrawl DCC RPG]
Saturday at 7:00 PM - River of Lies [DCC RPG - Purple Planet] (SOLD OUT)
Sunday at 10:00 AM - Battle at the End of Time [Netcrawl RPG, DCC RPG]

Planet of the Cyclops Con - online, everywhere, November 23 & 24
TBA - River of Lies [DCC RPG - Purple Planet] 
TBD - Netcrawl adventure


Keep your eyes peeled for online Netcrawl RPG sessions. Things are busy at home right now, but I promise to run something on the server before the year is out. First priority seating goes to Patreon supporting members. Netcrawl Discord link.


The October episode of Spellburn will focus on Grimdark style games and invoking Nick Baran! Tune in to on October 28th at 9pm Eastern to catch the skin-crawling, puss-spewing, panic-inducing interview*.
* Disclaimer: Neither Nick, nor talking with Nick, actually cause any of those things to happen.


This message was posted over on the Netcrawl patreon and each month I will post there first and then I'll get around to sending an update from Backerkit.





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