BackerKit FAQ

How does BackerKit crowdfunding work?

Crowdfunding is a collaborative way to bring ideas and projects to life. Project creators post their idea for a project, and backers pledge money to make the project possible. Backers get behind the scenes access and backer-only rewards, which can include exclusive products, special pricing, creative input, content, and more.

To become a backer, select a pledge level that features the reward(s) you would like to receive when the project is successfully completed and make your contribution.

All-or-nothing crowdfunding model: The creator sets a funding goal and a deadline to raise funds. If the project does not meet the goal by the deadline, backers credit cards are not charged and no money changes hands.

Crowdfunding projects can happen at various stages of the creative process. Make sure to check the estimated timeline of when rewards will be delivered. Project creators will keep you updated on the progress toward completion and delivery of your rewards.

Backing a crowdfunding campaign is not the same as purchasing an item from a store. When you back a campaign you are supporting the creation of something new. Rewards are almost always delivered, but are not guaranteed.

When will I be charged for my pledge?

Your payment method will not be charged right away. You will be charged for the amount of your pledge when the campaign ends and the project reaches its funding goal. You will not be charged if the campaign does not reach its funding goal.

What happens after the campaign is over?

The Creator will send out a survey that will ask you for more information about your pledge, your shipping information, additional items you may want to add to your pledge, and collect shipping fees if applicable.

The survey will be sent to the email address we have on file with your pledge.

Any additional payment will be charged when you complete your survey and confirm your order.

Project FAQ

Do I need Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rulebook to play Netcrawl?

The simple answer is No. All the rules you'll need will be in the Netcrawl RPG main rulebook. Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, Mutant Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games and the many other 3rd Party Published systems out there can easily be referenced or leveraged in Netcrawl RPG if you so choose.

When will the project be fulfilled?

We anticipate the project being fulfilled sometime in the 2nd quarter of 2025.

Will Scions of the Computarchs limited series be made available as Add-ons?

Yes once the Backerkit crowdfunding campaign ends, we'll place any remaining stock of Scions of the Computarchs up for sale as Add-ons.

How do I get all the Adventure Modules for Netcrawl RPG?

To get them all the adventure modules, back Netcrawl at any of these pledge levels Netcrawl Complete [Print + PDF] Netcrawl .New( ) [Print + PDF] Netcrawl Gold [Print + PDF] Netcrawl + Eye-Wizard [Print + PDF] Electronic .All() [PDF only] Later after the Backerkit closes and fulfillment begins, you can add on specific adventure modules.

How can I get the Cross Collab adventure?

Token Collect will be available to every backer who backs both Netcrawl RPG and Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Deities and Demi-Bros Supplement. If both projects succeed in funding, you'll get Token Collect as a PDF or as Print + PDF. Both projects must be backed at a print tier in order to receive a print copy of Token Collect.

Does this project use Generative AI for art or writing?

Absolutely no AI has been used nor will be used to create this project. Everything is made from people and their squishy biological brain-computers. Just like Soylent Green.

How much will shipping cost?

All shipping fees will be charged separately, AFTER the campaign, during pledge management. Actual shipping prices will be determined after production is finished and we're gearing up to send out the books. Also, if you add-on additional physical copies of the game to your order, your shipping cost may increase. Anticipated cost for shipping Netcrawl in the US is $10 to 12.

How will international orders be fulfilled?

Horse Shark Games uses shipping aggregators and partners to find the best price to ship your packages. In the EU & UK, I will be looking for a 3rd party fulfillment company to help defray the costs. In Canada, I will be able to ship using Canada Post. In many cases using a flat rate box costing $20 CAD. Depending on the country you may need to clear its customs agency in person. In some cases this might also mean paying duty on the imported products. We will notify any customers affected by such regulations as soon as we are made aware of the issues. Horse Shark Games will not pre-pay any duties assessed by your country's customs agencies.

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