Michael Curtis
4 months ago

Project Update: June on the Purple Planet

Hello, Purple Horde!

It's late June and many parts of the US are hotter than the wastelands of the Purple Planet right now. That makes it the perfect time to hunker down in the dark confines of my office and write some words to keep all you fine Kithfolk up to date on Purple Planet progress,

In short, we're eagerly waiting for the printer's proofs of all the books and, while we don't have an exact date those will be in-hand, we're anticipating them shortly. As soon as we get them, we'll share them with you here so we can all "ooh and ahh" over them together. In the meantime, here's a look at Doug Kovac's limited-edition cover for Tome of Adventure #4; The Purple Planet. The printed book will be a debossed leatherette cover with three tones of foil. What you see here is Doug’s art with a rough mockup of the foil colors in place. The final version will of course be printed and glossy foil.

Limited Edition Cover of The Purple Planet

Pretty cool, huh?

We will hopefully have more news and proofs to show off to you next month, if not sooner. So keep your greenstones polished and your war banners flying until then.

The Caverns of Thracia Returns in Less than a Week!

Next week sees the launch of The Caverns of Thracia crowdfunding project on Backerkit and you'll want to be one of the first to pledge. The first 48-hour backers will receive an exclusive patch proclaiming you to be one of the "Founding Backers." That's in addition to the discounted pricing vs. commercial MSRP, exclusive stretch goals, and more available only through the Backerkit campaign. Click here to be notified when the campaign goes live in less than 7 days!
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