Good news. In last month's update, we told you fulfillment would begin in early January, and we are on track for that to happen!
Our US fulfillment partner tells us that Purple Planet is next in their queue. They have started sorting inventory and arranging the pick lines. They anticipate the first boxes to be packed and out the door sometime next week. After that point it will be a week or two to get all the US orders packed.
International shipments will come from the local market fulfillment partners. We're waiting on the bulk shipments to arrive, so our local partners can then pick and pack individual orders from within the markets. As soon as we hear updates on the freight shipments we will let you know.
In the meantime, we are looking forward to fulfillment starting soon - as I am sure many of you are too! We hope to have some tracking numbers to share next week.
Coming Tuesday: Terror From The UnderDeep
Our next crowdfunding launches Tuesday for the 5E rules set. While the DCC team was developing Purple Planet, the 5E team was working on Terror From The UnderDeep! This is a huge 5E boxed packed full of adventure. You can see more on the teaser page here. First-48-hour backers get a bonus UnderDeep delve and D24!