Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)
8 months ago

Project Update: April is Lovely on the Purple Planet

Hello, horde!

It’s time to check in on the Purple Planet and let you all know how things are going. The weirdling sun is as weird as ever, the kith are planning their next barbecue (don’t accept an invitation), and great progress has been made by those of us toiling under the Dark (Ascended) Master’s lash.

The big news is everything is in layout right now. Tome of Adventures #2 and #3 are just about ready to roll out the door, so work on the Purple Planet has been the focus of our efforts. The book is done with preliminary layout and I’ll be meeting with Matt Hildebrand later today to hash out a few lingering details. I anticipate we should have things sorted this week and can then push on towards wrapping thing up. Here are a few images of the page spreads we have finished to tide you over in the meantime.

You never know what you'll find (or what will find you) on the Purple Planet.

A Doug Kovacs' tomb map and a Harley Stroh guide for looting the dead.

Hey,, kid! Wanna play a Kith?
A is for Android Guardian. Kids' spelling primers are weird on the Purple Planet.

Just another Tuesday on the Purple Planet.

Meanwhile, Harley Stroh just sent me the final stretch goal this morning and that’s off to editing. The dice inserts are long done and Doug Kovacs is working on the art for the dice tubes right now, along with some other choice imagery that will be included in Tome of Adventure: The Purple Planet. We’re all extremely pleased how quickly things are coming together on this end to fulfill this project as swiftly as we can. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next update is one telling you we’ve sent everything off to the printer! Stay tuned for more in the next few weeks. 

Until then, here are some new Doug Kovacs pieces to blow your minds and sear your eyeballs while you’re waiting.

user avatar image for Dave B.




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