Gaming Ballistic
9 months ago

Project Update: Foundry VTT package sent!

For those whose pledge levels included the Foundry VTT package (over 400 of you), I just sent the README and license keys via Backerkit digital downloads.

Please read the install file and hopefully that will get you taken care of. I am 100% NOT a power user of Foundry VTT, especially on the GM side (I've used it and loved it as a player).

If you have questions, you can certainly ask them here ... but nipping over to either the Foundry discord or Mook's GURPS Discord will get you better answers and faster, by power users.

That being said: I believe 100% of all digital product has been delivered at this point. If I'm mistaken, please DO let me know.

But I think the only things left are 2 backers who need Shields Up! in physical form and 29 backers from the UK hub who need their physical products. The DHL package for all but Saethors' Bane was picked up today, and usually arrives very promptly to the UK. I got email that Saethor's Bane itself was delivered to GamesQuest earlier today ... naturally, it hasn't been "checked in" but I can confirm all the SKUs seem to have been allocated.

So I'm hopeful things should start to move by the end of next week for those last 29 UK-Hub orders. 

For the two backers awaiting Shields Up (I ran out. I was not expecting to run out.) I should have them within the next week. 

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