Gaming Ballistic
10 months ago

Project Update: Over 200 packages picked and packed

So, fulfillment and pledge/survey update!

The books arrived, and they look pretty good.


As I often do, I try and get the "package groups" (folks who all bought the same thing) out of the way that have the most numbers and are quickest to pack up done first. Frequently those are the same; this time that wasn't the case.

Nonetheless, all of the domestic "I only want the book" order are actually in the mail as of this morning. 

I have picked and packed all 141 "just the book and cards," plus those that were adventure+omnibus, with or without cards. All told, 221 packages have been picked and packed. I will need to borrow my wife's SUV to get them to USPS, and she's on a business trip, so that might wind up with a huge post drop on Saturday morning.

Tomorrow I'll be starting in on the domestic stuff that includes SJGames material, including over 30 copies of the Boxed Set. I live a single day's shipping from one of the major box providers in the USA, so when I realized "I'm not going to have enough 11x11x7 boxes for all of these orders," I was able to get another 50 shipped to me, expected tomorrow. Yay, JIT logistics.

This means it's also time to start gearing up to pick, pack, and ship the UK-hub orders. There are 30 such backers, though one still has to fill out the survey and if that doesn't happen, it'll revert to digital. 

I'm going to stage a few extras of some of the books there, though. I think they'll get sold.

I'm also going to ship the AUS/NZ packages direct this time. Last few times it took longer and was more expensive due to the game of "what actual shipping service will I be charged for?" roulette that happens with Freight Forwarding sometimes. 


There are still fifteen unanswered surveys.

Five are $0 prior credit, which means no money has exchanged hands. These will be cancelled with nothing owed on either side.

Four are digital-only with no balance owed. I can process these through, no problem.

Three are $1 "follow the campaign" pledges, and these will also be marked fulfilled, as the backers asked for no products, so they got what they asked for.

Then there are one each:
  • A backer who only owes shipping, from Australia.
  • A backer who is probably not from the USA who owes shipping, no address, but it's a fairly solid chunk - likely because there's no address. Shipping will go down once it's pinpointed, I suspect.
  • A backer who has a positive (and large) balance who's so far only ordered digital stuff. I can process that and refund the balance.

But as I need to get the orders moving, I'm going to have to act on all of these, one way or another, very shortly. If you still have a pending survey (check your SPAM box for the reminder emails), please take care of it.
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